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WWE Backstage Power Struggle?


Who Will Control WWE Creative?

With Vince McMahon retiring from the WWE, there’s already talk of a WWE backstage power struggle.

Although Stephanie McMahon and Nick Khan are working as co-CEOs for the WWE, what of its creative department?

It’s been said that nature abhors a vacuum so if Vince McMahon has actually stepped down from creative, you can be certain there will be a scramble to see who has the final say.

Dave Meltzer hypothesized:

“As far as overseeing all creative, that’s a really interesting question. There’s going to be a power grab. Now, tonight’s show was Bruce [Prichard] and Ed Koskey, but Paul Levesque was also there and I guess he was, from what I gather, he was the closest to being Vince McMahon as far as, he was the overseer tonight.”

H/T Ringside News

While the WWE likely doesn’t want to make any dramatic changes (especially ones that the public i.e., shareholders might see as rash), expect to see an evaluation of what works and what doesn’t as well as who has the final say.

The WWE Universe has a love/hate relationship with Vince McMahon. On one hand, the WWE usually enjoyed seeing his Mr. McMahon character.

On the other hand, many fans expressed disappointment with WWE storylines, blaming Vince for the product’s shortcomings.

Despite Vince McMahon repeatedly telling fans he was going to listen to them, little changed under McMahon other than cosmetic changes like the 24/7 Championship and WWE Draft.

The biggest problem was that McMahon had the final say about which storylines made it to the air. Consequently, it didn’t matter how many great ideas were pitched to him as long as he dismissed them.

WrestleLamia looked at Vince’s creative crisis

WWE Backstage Power Struggle? Will the New Creative Team Survive?

If Vince has stepped down, it will be interesting to see what creative changes are made and how much time the new creative crew has to improve things.

Will Stephanie McMahon and Nick Khan give the WWE’s creative team time to grow? It’s unlikely fans will see any big changes initially but what if they do and ratings drop?

One would like to think the creative department will be given time to establish a direction (new or otherwise) without the kneejerk reactions that seemed common under Vince.

Who do you think will take over the WWE’s creative department? Who would you like to see in charge? Let us know in the comments below.

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