WrestleMania 38 Results. Bianca Belair vs. Becky Lynch


This feud reached new heights on 28 March’s WrestleMania RAW when RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch tried to cut Belair’s hair only to have the tables turned on her. Now, can “The -EST” complete her long quest to defeat Becky Lynch for her RAW Women’s Championship?


RAW Women’s Championship Match. Becky Lynch (Champion) vs. Bianca Belair:

Becky lands a Manhandle Slam at the match’s start, but unlike SummerSlam, Bianca Belair kicks out. Dis-Arm-Her attempt but Belair reaches the ropes. The champion goes for several early pin attempts but comes up short every time. Belair plays possum and rolls Becky up in a small package. Lynch escapes and goes for a pin with the help of the ropes but the referee breaks the pin. Suplex on Becky. Second attempt but the champion reverses it into a DDT. Becky climbs to the top rope and goes for a moonsault but no one is home. Belair applies the Dis-Arm-Her to Becky but Lynch counters into a cradle. Series of pin attempts and reversals. Becky turns to brawling as this fast-paced match continues. Lynch drags Belair out of the ring by her ponytail and then throws “The -EST” into the steel steps. Becky has Belair back in the ring and hits two exploder suplexes, covering Belair for a near-fall. Superkick slows down a comeback attempt by Bianca. Belair is draped across the top rope as Becky hits a legdrop to the back of Belair’s neck. However, it’s still not enough for a three-count. Chinlock as Becky changes gears. Belair escapes so Becky goes to an armbar. Bianca showcases her tremendous strength advantage and lifts Becky, scooping her (and herself) over the top rope. As the referee continues the count. Belair suplexes Becky outside the ring. Both women beat the count. Belair backs Lynch into the corner. Brief brawl as Belair drives Lynch into the mat, covering her for a two-count. Belair goes for a powerbomb but Lynch counters into a pin attempt. Belair escapes. Belair goes to the top rope but Lynch beats her to the punch, slugging away at the challenger. Lynch goes after Bianca but Belair counters with a Samoan Drop off the second rope. 450 Splash off the second rope by Bianca but Becky barely kicks out. Lynch is on the mat apron when Bianca goes after her but “Big Time Becks” uses the top rope to strike Belair’s neck.. Lynch misses a senton but still catches Belair in the face with two feet. Whip into the ropes as Belair hits a spinebuster. Belair lifts Lynch but she counters it into a pinfall. Counter but Lynch sends Belair into the corner. Bianca hits the KOD but she sends Lynch out of the ring! Belair reaches through the ropes but Lynch grabs her by the hair slamming her head into the ring post. Manhandle Slam on the steel steps as the referee nearly counts her out. Lynch covers Belair but the challenger kicks out. Lynch is furious as she can’t put Belair away. Belair seems semi-conscious as Lynch struggles to lift her up. However, Belair slips out and lifts Lynch up for the KOD, covering her for the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair (New RAW Women’s Champion)

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