WrestleMania 38 Night Two Results. Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns. WWE/Universal Championship Unification Match.


The long-standing rivalry between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns hits the next level as both men put their respective championships on the line. Will Brock Lesnar continue his WrestleMania win streak against Reigns or will “The Tribal Chief” get the win and all the gold?

Winner Take All Match. WWE Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Universal Champion Roman Reigns (with Paul Heyman): Both men slug it out as Lesnar drives Reigns into the corner twice, throwing him around like the proverbial sack of potatoes. Belly to belly suplex as Lesnar starts strong. Is it time for Suplex City? It looks that way at Lesnar delivers three consecutive suplexes before clotheslining Reigns out of the ring. Lesnar goes after Heyman as “The Wise Man” begs for his life, blaming everything on Reigns. Roman catches Lesnar with a Spear from behind, knocking Lesnar through the security barrier. Lesnar barely beats the ten count but walks into a Spear from Roman. Cover but only a two-count. Reigns prepares for the Superman Punch as Lesnar gets to his feet. Superman Punch! Reigns is on fire while Lesnar struggles to get up. Second Superman Punch! However, Lesnar laughs as he gets to his feet, dodging a Superman Punk and taking Reigns on a second trip to Suplex City. Five German Suplexes as Brock gets his momentum back and Roman seems to lose all his. Lesnar goes for the F-5 but Roman escapes, pushing Lesnar into the corner. Superm,an Punch as Lesnar goes down. Reigns goes for the Spear but Lesnar counters. F-5! Cover for a two-count. Lesnar goes for a second F-5 but Reigns rakes the face, escaping.  Reigns whips Lesnar into the corner where a hapless ref is waiting. Lesnar doesn’t hit the referee but Reigns knocks Lesnar into the referee. The ref bump allows Roman to hit a low blow. Reigns grabs the Universal Championship and blasts Lesnar with it. Cover but Lesnar gets a shoulder up. Another spear to Lesnar but Lesnar is too close to the ropes and breaks the pin. Another Spear but Lesnar counters with the Kimura Lock. Roman reaches the ropes (with an apparent  helping hand from Heyman). Lesnar goes for another F-5 but Reigns escapes, whipping Lesnar into the ropes and spearing him. Cover for the win!

Winner: Roman Reigns (Undisputed WWE Champion!)

Be sure to check out WrestleLamia’s YouTube channel for a recap and analysis of the show, plus plenty of WrestleMania videos.

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