Who Was Originally Meant To Run Over Steve Austin At Survivor Series 1999?


This would have been insane.

One of the biggest storylines of the Attitude Era saw an unknown individual run down Stone Cold Steve Austin. This took place at the 1999 Survivor Series, and the angle was designed to write Austin off WWE TV, as he was having problems with his neck. 

It was later revealed a year later, that it was Rikishi who was driving the car, and Triple H was the mastermind behind the heinous act. 

Speaking during an appearance on The Ariel Helwani Show, former WWE head writer Brian Gerwitz has revealed that there was once a plan in place for Taz to be the one who ran down Austin. He stated:

I remember at one point Vince looked at me and was, like, ‘Taz’. At one point, it was gonna be Taz. Okay, great, let’s make it Taz. Then, you know, for whatever reason, the next week it’s someone different. I wouldn’t call that necessarily a success. Rikishi is a Hall of Fame performer, but he’s likeable and a natural babyface, and people want to like him. Sometimes you just don’t know until you try. Then, ultimately, it was Rikishi but Triple H was behind it all along and, you know, it went back to the natural order of things”. 

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