When Will Jeff Return to an AEW Ring?


Matt Hardy Also Discusses Jeff’s Comeback

When will Jeff return to an AEW ring? That’s the question fans began asking as soon as Jeff made a surprise return on the 12 April Dynamite. In case you missed it, Jeff showed up to rescue his brother, Isiah Kassidy, and Hook from a beatdown at the hands of The Firm.

Jeff Hardy is back but is he ready to rumble? Not according to a report from Fightful Select which states that Jeff is still recovering from his recent eye surgery (H/T Whatculture). It’s unknown when Jeff will be ready for wrestling or what AEW intends to have him do.

While Jeff may not be ready for matches, he did perform a Swanton which invites questions about why he performed the move if he’s still recovering from surgery. AEW may want to work closely with Jeff to make sure he doesn’t take unnecessary bumps or continue performing in the daredevil style that has led to chronic pain.

Matt Hardy Talks About What He’s Seen from Jeff

Nevertheless, Matt Hardy seems to think Jeff is ready. Speaking on his Extreme Life of Matt Hardy podcast, Matt explained:

“This is the most work I’ve ever seen him do himself, and he had 10 months. He seems different, and once again, I don’t want to sit here and vouch for him.

H/T Wrestling News

Hardy explained that he doesn’t want to vouch for his brother. Instead, he wants fans to:

watch him and follow his actions, and then he’ll make you a believer if that’s what you need. I am confident his actions and his conduct, and his behavior will make people a believer. He’s made me a believer.

H/T Wrestling News

The wrestling world (fans and wrestlers alike) will be watching Jeff closely. There are many people rooting for Jeff. Likewise, there are people who want him to do what is best for him.

Matt discussed watching his brother closely during Jeff’s recovery:

I know the work he has put in, and I know how dedicated he has been to legitimately changing and trying to get his sh*t together once and for all. All I can say is I’m just so extraordinarily proud of him and he’s done great.”

H/T Wrestling News

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When Will Jeff Return to an AEW Ring?

What do you think of Jeff’s return? What do you think about Matt’s comments regarding Jeff? Share your comments below.

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