What is Jeff Hardy’s Problem?


Brother Matt Opens Up About Source of Jeff’s Problems

What is Jeff Hardy’s problem? Numerous incidents involving drug and alcohol abuse have plagued him throughout his career but Matt Hardy believes he knows the cause of Jeff’s problems.

Matt Hardy recently took the time to address Brother Jeff’s recent DUI arrest and the problems he Is dealing with. Matt spoke about things during his Extreme Life of Matt Hardy podcast.

Matt noted he missed being able to participate in the 15 June Dynamite where Jurassic Express defended the AEW World Tag Team Championship against the Young Bucks but noted he was proud of both teams’ work. Matt thanked the fans for their support:

“I love you guys. I have received so many fantastic texts and just different social media messages from so many different people. There’s been so much love and support aimed towards me and my role in this whole scenario. People have been very sympathetic and very apologetic and have shown so much wonderful love and support towards me, and I am very grateful for that.”

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Matt discussed his concerns about Jeff, indicating Jeff’s health and well being are all he cares about:

“I was very saddened, and the actual word that I said was very disheartening, about the events that happened, but I support my brother 100%, and I’m gonna pull for him, and I’m gonna give him as much support as I can to help him be as healthy and as well as he can possibly be.”

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What is Jeff Hardy’s Problem? Matt Explains

While it can be maddening to try and understand what drives a person to abuse drugs and/or alcohol, Jeff’s many fans have often asked why Jeff has battled these problems for so long. Matt theorized about where Jeff’s problems stem from:

“I feel like some of Jeff’s issues probably come from our mother dying when he was so, so young. That was always an issue that he carried with him deeply.”

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Matt Hardy is no stranger to battling personal demons but unlike his brother, he seems to have conquered them. Matt shared what drives him to stay sober:

“I know 100%, the biggest thing that drives me to stay healthy and not have an addiction issue at all, because I’m sure I have an addictive personality, but the thing that keeps me running and stronger than anything else is my family, my children, specifically. I mean, my wife as well. She would whip my ass as everyone knows. Any kind of chemical addiction that I might have, or would have, all that has been traded in for the addiction of my children.”

H/T Wrestling News

While fans will have to wait to see what’s next for Jeff Hardy, wrestling’s “Charismatic Enigma” seems to have plenty of support from his brother.

What do you think is next for Jeff? Let us know in the comments below.

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