Titus O'Neil

Titus O’Neil’s Tone-Deaf Promo


Editorial: WWE Global Ambassador Cuts Ill-Timed Promo

Tonight’s RAW opened with Titus O’Neil’s tone-deaf promo that was undoubtedly intended to promote what a wonderful place the WWE is for its fans but was embarrassingly ill-timed due to Vince McMahon’s ongoing sex scandal.

O’Neil started tonight’s RAW off with a promo talking about what a great place the WWE is and how fans can tune in without hearing about politics or religion.

Here’s everything that Titus had to say:

Titus O’Neil’s Tone-Deaf Promo: Bad for Titus and the WWE

O’Neil’s job as the WWE Global Ambassador has seen him spread the word about the WWE’s charitable efforts but this speech seemed out of place in light of Vince McMahon’s hush money scandal.

Indeed, describing the WWE as a safe haven when Vince McMahon paid several former WWE workers to sign nondisclosure agreements regarding alleged misconduct is incredibly tone-deaf.

O’Neil, whose charitable works are well-known isn’t to blame. However, the promo is an insult to the fans’ intelligence and suggests Vince McMahon doesn’t care about the scandal’s possible ramifications.

The WWE Universe is used to seeing segments where the WWE pats itself on the back for its charitable work. However, putting its Global Ambassador into this spot made the WWE and O’Neil look bad.

Things sunk to the bottom barrel when the WWE promoted Titus O’Neil’s fifth-annual Back-to-School-Bash where his Bullard Family Foundation and other Tampa Bay Florida groups help provide school supplies and medical care for kids in need.

The WWE tarnished O’Neil’s charitable work by using his well-earned reputation for helping others to paint the WWE in a positive light. Critics talk about Saudi Arabia sports-washing its bad image by hosting mainstream sporting events.

What did you think of the promo? Let us know in the comments below.

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