Theory Wins MITB Ladder Match


Theory Wins MITB Ladder Match. Wait, how did Theory win the Money in the Bank briefcase when he wasn’t even in the match?

Tonight’s Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match was set to begin when Adam Pearce talked about how exciting the night had been and in the spirit of being in Las Vegas, he was going to up the ante by adding an eighth competitor.

That competitor was none other than Mr. McMahon’s favorite son, Theory. Theory competed against the other seven Superstars but like everyone else, he found that Omos stood in his way.

The various wrestlers joined forces briefly to take Omos out, lifting “The Nigerian Giant” up and planting him through a table. This allowed them to pummel each other as they looked for their chance to secure the briefcase.

Theory Wins MITB Ladder Match: Anything Can Happen in the WWE

After the usual bedlam, Riddle had things going his way when he delivered a Super-RKO to Seth Rollins from off the ladder. Riddle climbed the ladder but Theory beat him to the punch, knocking Riddle down and grabbing the briefcase.

Were you surprised at Theory entering the match and winning? Let us know in the comments below.

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