Roman vs Brock Over?


Rumor SummerSlam May Be Their Last Match

Is Roman vs. Brock finally over? There’s Interesting news coming in regarding the big “Last Man Standing” Match between Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam as Dave Meltzer noted on a recent Wrestling Observer Radio that this is the last time the two will clash for the foreseeable future:

“There are no plans for any other match between them as of right now, but let’s be serious. You know, I mean guys get hurt, and it’s a match that, you know, bringing Brock back still got a lot of talk and everything like that. The first week, there was a lotta lotta talk on bringing Brock back. We’ll see how much that means this week to a degree, but you know, it’s still SummerSlam. It’s going to be the third biggest show of the year, it always is…”

H/T Ringside News

At the risk of sounding jaded, WrestleLamia thinks the chances of this being the last Roman vs. Brock match is the same as fans seeing a six-man tag match with Ezekiel teaming with Elias and Elrod.

Roman vs. Brock is the WWE’s go-to match whenever it can’t find a top star to headline a major event, which is most of the time since the WWE has failed at building any new opponents for “The Head of the Table.”

While there have been some epic Brock vs. Roman clashes, some of the matches have been duds if you consider both men to be at the top of the WWE food chain.

For example, Brock vs. Roman at the 2021 Crown Jewel was nothing special and even WrestleMania XXXVIII’s “Winner Take All” bout suffered due to the predictable finish.

Is there any reason to think SummerSlam will be a good match? Does the potential for a Money in the Bank cash-in by Theory add to the match’s suspense?

What do you think? Share your insights with us in the comments below.

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