Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Rock Working Mixed Tag Team at ‘Mania?


Jim Ross Says It’d Be Ideal Format

Is the Rock working a mixed tag team match at WrestleMania XXXIX? While we’ve heard the game plan is for him to fight Roman Reigns, could there be a change of plans?

Current AEW announcer Jim Ross thinks it’s a possibility the Rock and the WWE may opt for in order to get “The People’s Champion” into the ring with Roman Reigns. Speaking on his Grillin’ J.R. podcast, Ross remarked:

Here’s the thing, I could see Rock having a mixed tag with his daughter at WrestleMania, I can see that. Now, there will be naysayers that will knock that idea, which is fine, that’s expected. But that’s a safe [option], it’s a way to get him on TV, get his name and her name and image in the promotion.

H/T Ringside News

Rock Working Mixed Tag Team at ‘Mania?

It bears repeating that there’s currently no confirmation that the Rock’s hectic Hollywood schedule will even is going to allow him to appear at WrestleMania. However, working a tag match might alleviate the concern of studio executives who might be less likely to sign the Rock to a film deal if it happens to begin shooting near WrestleMania.           

A mixed tag match would also be a fantastic way for the Rock’s daughter to get mainstream exposure in arguably one of the WWE’s biggest matches in recent memory.

If the WWE does go with a mixed tag match, who should Roman team with? Share your picks in the comments below.

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1 year ago

Tamina is the obvious choice

7 months ago

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