WWE Clash at the Castle

Real-Time Clash at the Castle Results


Real-Time Match Results from WWE’s Cardiff, Wales Premium Live Event

It’s the moment the WWE Universe has been waiting weeks for, The Clash at the Castle. WrestleLamia has you covered as we provide real-time results of each match.

Kick-Off Show


It’s all over for Theory and the Alpha Academy after Montez delivers a flying bodysplash to Chad Gable for the pinfall victory.

Winners: Madcap Moss and The Street Profits  

Main Show

Six-Person Tag Match:  Bianca Belair, Alexa Bliss, and Asuka vs. Bayley, Dakota Kai, and Iyo Sky:  

The heels’ chemistry gains them the advantage as they make blind tags to keep their opponents confused about who the legal competitor is. Bayley and company isolate Bliss, beating her down much of the match. Hot tag to Asuka. The heels regain the advantage with illegal double-team moves until Asuka tags in Bianca Belair. “The -EST” is a house afire. Asuka and Alexa deliver a superplex to Bayley off Bianca’s back. Scorpion Kick to Bianca but Belair recovers. Iyo stops Bianca from delivering the KOD to Dakota. Roseplant by Bayley on the champion. Moonsault by Iyo and a cover on Bianca for the pinfall victory.

Winners: Bayley, Dakota Kai, and Iyo Sky.

Intercontinental Championship Match. Gunther (Champion) with Ludwig Kaiser) vs. Sheamus with The Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland and Butch):  

Gunther surprises the Brawling Brutes by bringing IMPERIUM with him. Gunther’s seconds brawl while Sheamus and Gunther stare each other down. Then it’s on. Big brawl but Gunther dominates, seemingly having “The Celtic Warrior’s” number. Just when it looks like it’s “game over,” Sheamus gets his second wind, pummeling Gunther outside the ring.  Flying knee from the top rope to Gunther. Both men are on their feet and exchange big chops . Punches by Sheamus but Gunther stuns him with a German Suplex. Sheamus is on fire though and catches Gunther with a knee to the face. Cover for a near-fall. More brawling but Gunther applies the sleeper but Sheamus escapes. Sheamus counters a powerbomb into White Noise. Cover for a near-fall. Both men are spent. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but Gunther dodges it and dropkicks Sheamus. Powerbomb by Gunther but he doesn’t get 100%. “The Ring General” covers Sheamus but can’t get the three-count. Gunther goes to the top rope but Sheamus intercepts him, chopping away. Gunther chops Sheamus, knocking him to the mat. Sheamus intercepts Gunther again and hits the Celtic Cross. The challenger is out of position and it costs him as Gunther kicks out at two-and-a-half.  Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but his back gives out. Gunther powerbombs Sheamus then levels him with a lariat. 1-2-3. Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther 

The fans give Sheamus a standing ovation after the match.



SmackDown Women’s Championship Match. Liv Morgan (champion) vs. Shayna Baszler:  

Baszler goes for submission holds early on but Morgan counters with pinfall moves. Morgan uses her speed to stagger Baszler. Morgan tries a high-risk move and Baszler knocks her off the rope, sending her out of the ring. “The Queen of Spades” targets Liv’s bad arm then unloads with lefts and rights. Morgan runs into a clothesline and Baszler covers her. Shayna continues targeting the champion’s bad wing. Another cover by Baszler but she kicks out at two. Morgan is in trouble as Shayna stalks her. Liv kips up and goes into overdrive, planting Baszler into the mat face-first for a near-fall. Morgan walks into a jumping knee, crumbling to the mat. Shayna is taking her time as Morgan struggles. Baszler stands on Morgan’s hand as she trash talks her. Morgan surprises Baszler with a Triangle, then applies an armbar on Baszler. Morgan has her in the center of the ring but Shayna shows why she’s “The Submission Magician.” Knee to Morgan’s jaw for a near-fall. Baszler seems to be getting frustrated as Morgan is still in it. Baszler takes Morgan to the top turnbuckle and goes for an armbar but Liv escapes. Liv powerbombs Baszler for a cover but Shayna applies the Kirfuda Clutch. Shayna’s arm isn’t at full power and this seems to allow Liv to escape. Shayna goes for the clutch but Morgan counters into a cover. Codebreaker by Morgan and Oblivion. Morgan gets the duke.

Winner: Liv Morgan

Edge and Rey Mysterio (with Dominik Mysterio) vs. The Judgment Day (Damien Priest and Finn Balor) with Rhea Ripley:

Edge surprises the fans when he enters the ring wearing a luchador mask! Rey starts the match against Finn Balor and “The Master of the 6-1-9” gains the edge. Balor tags in Priest who says he wants Edge. The fans chant for Edge and Rey tags him in. Priest drops Edge with a right hand. Edge isn’t going to play a punching bag and he slugs away, knocking Priest and Balor out of the ring. Edge tags Mysterio then launches him over the top rope onto Damien and Finn. Mysterio bounces off the ropes but walks into a modified Broken Arrow from Damien. Tag to Balor who stomps onto a fallen Rey’s chest. Fast tag as Balor hits a backbreaker on Rey and Priest follows up with a legdrop while Balor holds Mysterio. Priest spits in Edge’s face. Tag to Balor as Priest and Finn take turns kicking Mysterio. Snap suplex by Balor. Balor slows things down with a side headlock on Mysterio. Rey escapes and goes for a tag but Balor holds tight. Rey counters a move by Balor, sending him into the corner. However, Mysterio can’t get up and Balor tags in Priest, who goes after Rey. The action goes outside the ring where Balor goes after Rey, only for Rey to backbody drop him over the security barrier. Priest goes to hit a move off the security barrier but Rey counters and Priest crotches himself. Hot tag to Edge who delivers boot after boot to Priest and Balor. Edge-u-cution on Finn. Edge goes for the Spear and sees Priest on the turnbuuckle, knocking him off. Edge knocks Balor into the ropes and hits the 6-1-9! Tag to Mysterio who hits the Frogsplash. Cover but Priest breaks it up. Edge spears Damien off the apron onto the floor. Balor goes after Edge, countering a Spear into a Sling Blade. Dropzone from Balor. Finn goes the top rope.  Dominik distracts the referee as Rey stops Finn from hitting the Coup de Grace. Rhea goes after Dominik. She lifts Dom up but Papa Rey dives off, knocking Rhea down. Dominik trips up Balor. 6-1-9 to Balor followed by a Spear for the win. 

Winners: Rey Mysterio and Edge

Edge and Rey celebrate as Dominik joins them. Dominik kicks Edge in the nuts as Rey protests. Rey gets in Dominik’s face and Dominik shoves him to the ground. The Judgment Day are loving every minute of it as they laugh at Rey and Edge’s misfortune. 

Matt Riddle vs. Seth “Freakin’” Rollins:  


Riddle and Rollins go right after each other with Riddle willing to do anything to get his hands on Seth, even getting the referee’s face and earning a warning. The two continue. Riddle goes for a Triangle and Rollins escapes by going over the top rope. Rollins jumps onto Rollins outside the ring and gets Buckle Bombed into the security barrier. Rollins throws Riddle into the ring. Greco-Roman right hand to Riddle and a cover for a two-count. Rollins gets in the referee’s face, with the referee warning Seth he’ll disqualify him. Hope spot by Riddle but Rollins kicks him for a cover. “The Visionary” increases the heat, wearing “The Ultimate Bro” down. More punishment by Rollins as he continues getting near-falls. Seth applies the fish hook, just going out of his way to torment Matt. Rollins takes Riddle to the top rope. Rollins superplexes Riddle. Riddle counters a Falcon’s Arrow into a Fisherman Buster. Riddle peppers Rollins with strikes. Riddle clobbers Rollins, knocking him out of the ring. Floating Bro to the outside  Riddle counters a Pedigree into the Bro to Sleep followed by a knee to the face. Matt covers but Rollins kicks out. Riddle goes for a Floating Bro but Rollins lifts his knee. Riddle avoids a stomp. Triangle by Riddle and Rollins is stuck in the center of the ring. Rollins is fading. Rollins escapes and hits the Bro Derek on Riddle. Riddle kicks out though. Both men are down. Rollins gets up first. Rollins climbs to the top rope but Riddle dodges out of the way. Seth rolls up to his feet. Superkick by Rollins. Series of blows by each man. Rollins goes for the Stomp again but Riddle beats him to the move with a big knee. Rollins counters Riddle, landing a Pedigree. Cover for a near-fall. “The Visionary” trash-talks Riddle, mocking him for his family leaving him. Riddle snaps and attacks Rollins with punches. However, Riddle has fallen into Rollins’ trap. Rollins adds insult to injury by hitting a draping DDT on Riddle. The fans are clearly behind Rollins as they chant for his music. Rollins signals it’s time for the RKO but Riddle counters. Rear naked choke as Riddle unloads elbows onto Rollins’ neck. Riddle goes for a chair but Rollins rolls back into the ring. Riddle crawls into the ring and Seth catches him with the Curb Stomp. Rollins goes to the second rope, delivering an Atomic Curb Stomp for the win.

Winner: Seth “Freakin'” Rollins

Undisputed Championship Match. Roman Reigns (Champion) vs. Drew McIntyre:

The announcers bring up the fact that The Usos and Sami Zayn have not been medically cleared to appear and that Paul Heyman is still recovering from Brock Lesnar F-5ing him onto a table at SummerSlam

The fans are clearly behind Drew and this isn’t pleasing “The Tribal Chief.” Collar and elbow tie-up as both men struggle for the advantage. Drew powers Reigns into the corner and gives him a clean break. Collar and elbow tie-up but this time Roman applies a side headlock. Roman throws Drew into the ropes and hits a shoulder block but Drew doesn’t budge. Roman steps outside the ring as he seems to be taken aback by the lack of his crew and the cheers of the pro-Drew crowd.  Roman tries some fisticuffs but to no avail. Roman paces outside the ring, instructing the fans to quiet down. Naturally, Drew rallies the fans to cheer even more. The two men circle each other in the ring. Roman challenges Drew to a test of strength but cheap shots “The Scottish Warrior.” Reigns delivers punch after punch to Drew. Drew unloads with a series of punches of his own, dazing Reigns then clotheslining the champion over the top rope. Drew goes out after Reigns, brawling with “The Tribal Chief” then throwing him into the steel steps. Drew rolls back into the ring to break up the ten count then rolls back out. Karrion Kross and Scarlett are at ringside and  Drew starts trash-talking Kross, threatening to shove the hourglass up Karrion’s ass. Bad move as Reigns takes advantage, blindsiding Drew. McIntyre is down outside the ring and barely beats the ten count. Series of punches by Roman and a cover but Drew kicks out at one. Roman Reigns is talking smack as he unloads on McIntyre in the corner. “The Head of the Table” hurls McIntyre shoulder-first into the corner and Drew falls through the ropes, landing on the steel steps as he bounces out. Drew gets to the mat apron  and clotheslines Reigns with the top rope. Drew gets into the ring and walks into a jumping clothesline by Roman. Cover on Drew. McIntyre kicks out at one.  Drew bounces off the ropes only to walk into a big boot from Roman. Cover but Reigns only gets a one-count. 

Drew attempts to gain control, whipping Reigns into the corner but Roman reverses. Reigns mocks Drew, asking him who he thinks he is. Drew gets up and fires off chops but Reigns quickly regains control, punching McIntyre down to the mat.  Roman goes for a vertical suplex but Drew blocks it. Both men try for vertical suplexes until Roman gives up and repeatedly punches Drew back down to the mat. Roman grabs a microphone and tells the fans in Cardiff to “acknowledge me!” This gives Drew time to get back up and he hits Roman with “The Glasgow Kiss.” Both men fall to the mat. It’s a slugfest as Roman and Drew punch away. Roman slows things down, kicking Drew down. Roman whips Drew into the corner but Drew fires off two clotheslines. Suplex followed by a neckbreaker. However, Drew is down along with Roman but he kips up. McIntyre hoists Reigns up on the top rope. Reigns blocks a superplex attempt but both men are on the top rope. Drew falls backwards and is in the Tree of Woe. However, McIntyre counters, whipping Reigns off the top rope. McIntyre signals for Claymore Country but Reigns rolls out of the ring. Drew rolls out and steps into several punches. Future Shock DDT but Reigns escapes. Spinebuster on Drew for a near-fall.  Reigns and Drew exchange blows and Roman surprises Drew with a Rock Bottom. Cover for a two-count on Drew. Drew is crawling towards the ropes as the champion signals for the Superman Punch. Drew ducks and hits the Future Shock DDT. Claymore by Drew. No! Superman Punch by Reigns! Reigns goes for the Spear but walks into a big boot. Roman bounces off the ropes and hits the Spear. Cover on Drew. 1-2-…McIntyre kicks out. Reigns can’t believe what’s happening but he’s not done yet. Roman applies the Guillotine Choke. Drew lifts Roman and drives him into the corner, escaping the hold. However, Reigns applies the Guillotine again, this time in the center of the ring. Drew escapes again by slamming Roman into the corner. Drew throws Roman into the corner and Reigns falls out of the ring. The referee begins a ten-count as Drew staggers out of the ring. Drew spears Reigns through the security barricade and rolls Roman into the ring. Drew signals for the Claymore and walks into another Spear. Cover by the champion but Drew kicks out again.  Reigns questions the referee and swears it was a three-count. Reigns gets in Charles Robinson’s face as Drew hits a Claymore Kick, knocking Reigns into the referee. Robinson is down. Austin Theory runs down to cash in his briefcase but Tyson Fury KO’s Theory! Roman grabs a chair but Drew stops him. Claymore by Drew as a replacement referee comes in. Cover. 1, 2,…Roman kicks out.  Both men exchange blow after blow. Superman Punch. Drew isn’t done. Glasgow Kiss. Claymore by Drew. Cover on Roman but Solo Sikoa yanks the referee out of the ring. Drew goes after Sikoa and walks into a Spear by Roman.

Winner: Roman Reigns (Still Undisputed Champion)

After the match, Tyson Fury enters the ring and confronts Roman, shaking his hand before he leaves. 

Tyson Fury helps Drew to his feet and grabs a microphone. Fury says Drew might feel down but he did his country great. Tyson begins singing “American Pie.” 

Drew thanks the fans for their support and vows to get his hands on the Undisputed Championship. 

Don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel as we recap the show and provide our exclusive analysis, looking at the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

What do you think about Clash at the Castle? Let us know in the comments below.

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[…] will how fans rate this battle compared to Sheamus’ Clash at the Castle bout against Gunther? Throwing Drew McIntyre into the mix upped the potential for violence and it […]


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