CM Punk on Dynamite

Punk and Company Close to Reinstatement?


Some Signs AEW May Be Resolving Matter

Are CM Punk and company close to reinstatement? Fans have been asking if and when CM Punk, The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt Jackson), and Kenny Omega might be reinstated.

Now, there are hints that AEW could be close to resolving the matter that saw all four wrestlers (along with producer Ace Steel) suspended.

By now, most of the wrestling world is aware of the alleged backstage brawl after CM Punk’s tirade during the All Out post-show media scrum.

While AEW is still investigating the situation, it’s believed there was some sort of physical fracas backstage, resulting in the wrestlers and Steel (who is a former wrestler) being suspended.

As reported earlier today, AEW released Ace Steel, leading to talk that AEW’s investigation may be over. Dave Meltzer commented on Wrestling Observer Radio that:

“So he was officially released yesterday. So I guess that is the first bit of news out of that whole situation in weeks. There’s a lot of other stuff going on.”

H/T Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online

Now, two other tidbits have caught fans’ and pundits’ attention. The 18 October Dynamite contained clues that AEW may be headed for a reconciliation with CM Punk and the Elite.

As Wrestling News’ Andrew Ravens noted, while Punk, The Young Bucks, and Kenny Omega remain suspended, Punk appeared in a hype video for Chris Jericho’s Ring of Honor title defense while AEW’s announcers mentioned the Bucks’ and Omega’s names during the Trios Championship, acknowledging them as the inaugural champions.

This is the first time any of the suspended wrestlers have been mentioned on TV by name which could mean AEW’s investigation into the backstage bedlam is nearing a resolution.

Punk and Company Close to Reinstatement?

Analysis: While this mention suggests AEW has concluded its investigation (or is close to doing so), it’s difficult to say what fate awaits any of the parties involved. Whatever happens is certain to impact AEW’s locker room for some time to come.

Do you think AEW is nearing a resolution to this matter? Let us know in the comments below.

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