Omos Discusses Possibly Turning Babyface


Could it happen?

Omos has been presented as a heel since making his main roster debut, but that doesn’t mean that the WWE star isn’t thinking of the possibility of turning babyface.

During an interview with SportsNet, Omos stated:

“From a psychology standpoint, it can be very challenging for someone who’s seven-foot-three, muscles, and huge and intimidating, to get sympathy,” Omos said. “Heels don’t inspire people, only babyfaces do. And for me, that’s going to be the challenge: How can this big, giant person inspire people? Because there’s no relatability to someone who’s seven-foot-three … the moment where you see me with somebody smaller than me, the brain says, ‘I want the little guy to kick the big guy’s ass.’”

“This is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. This is fun,” he said. “To wake up every day, go to work, play a character on TV that either people love or hate, people are so invested in the character you present on TV. What we do, it’s so amazing, man. And to know that some kid out there watching the show, they’re going to grow up watching me on TV. I could have never pictured this life.”

Would you like to see Omos as a babyface? Let us know in the comments below.

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