NXT Locker Room Furious Over Nash Carter’s Release


The controversy continues following the WWE’s release of NXT Superstar Nash Carter, who was released after his estranged wife released a photo of Nash doing a Hitler impersonation. As noted in recent news videos, Nash’s wife also accused him of physical abuse but there is some question about the timing of her allegations (including the release of the photo) as she made them after Carter served her with divorce papers.

While the physical abuse allegations remain unconfirmed, there’s no doubt that Carter impersonated Hitler (which by all accounts seems to be the WWE’s motive in releasing him). According to Dave Meltzer, a number of NXT performers are upset with the WWE’s decision. Here’s what “Diamond” Dave had to say during a recent Wrestling Observer Radio:

In NXT, from what I have heard, the decision to fire him was not well-taken. Because I think people liked him and everything like that. The (Hitler) photo was when he was 19 years old, and it was the photo that got him sacked from the company. I know that WWE was aware of the whole thing before it ever went public. I had heard right before Stand & Deliver some stuff was coming out, and I know people there who said WWE was aware long before this.”

H/T Ringside News

Should the 27-year-old talent be punished for something he did when he was 19 years old? Do you think the photo is offensive? Let us know in the comments below.

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