More MJF Backstage News


How Much He’s Making and Vince’s Willingness to Sign Him

More MJF backstage news to report including estimates on how much MJF is making as well as whether Vince McMahon is willing to sign him despite his reported backstage heat with AEW President Tony Khan. First, let’s take a look at MJF’s salary. Pro Wrestling Torch’s Wade Keller recently discussed the situation, explaining how MJF was one of many wrestlers signed to a “starter deal” by AEW:

MJF signed an original starter contract with AEW that was in the range of probably dozens of other early signees who have been with AEW ever since. Some have been cut, some have stayed in the lower cards, some have moved to the mid-card, a couple maybe moved to the upper card. Nobody’s moved higher than MJF, among those on those starter deals. And by a starter deal, a very broad loose range is like $40,000 to $70,000. 

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How Much is MJF Making?

MJF has quickly gone from a promising rookie to a main event heel (something WrestleLamia has noted several times in past articles on the MJF situation) and according to Keller, Tony Khan bumped MJF’s salary up to reflect his status as more than a starter. The conflict appears to be over how much MJF is getting. Keller continued:

MJF was given a raise once since he signed with AEW. So he’s making substantially more than the starter contract, like hundreds of thousands of dollars but it is modest compared to the contracts of more than a half a dozen free agent signings AEW has made over the past year…Christian, Mark Henry, Malakai Black, Adam Cole, Bryan Danielson, CM Punk. There’s six right there. And I know I’m leaving off a few more…All of them are making more than MJF right now.

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Tony Khan has a dilemma. If he gives in to MJF’s raise request, he might be seen as weak backstage by other wrestlers who feel they have the option to demand raises (or other concessions) if they are unhappy. On the other hand, MJF has grown tremendously and certainly should be on the same salary level as Christian and Mark Henry (who has yet to prove himself as an asset in AEW).

More MJF News: Will Vince Sign Him?

Now for more MJF news, this time concerning Vince McMahon’s willingness or reluctance to sign MJF in light of his heat with Tony Khan (unless this is the greatest work in wrestling history). Wade Keller expounded on the situation, arguing that:

 “One source in WWE told me that MJF is seen as such a commodity that his recent and tractable behavior on and off-air with AEW wouldn’t deter Vince McMahon from making him a lucrative offer. Although a falling out with AEW could take away considerable leverage for MJF, MJF’s value to WWE would remain high. They need people. He’s young, he’s good, and he’d be paid accordingly, regardless of his reputation in AEW.

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However, it appears MJF could still see his value diminished depending on the circumstances. Keller continued:

Now maybe that changes a little bit with the headache that Vince McMahon feels Sasha Banks and Naomi put him through, but maybe not. But his reputation, in general, might take a blow if details about his latest interactions with Khan and AEW reflect poorly on his professionalism.”

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Will MJF Bail on AEW?

There are various rumors making the rounds about what’s next for MJF but nothing substantial. Rest assured that WrestleLamia will continue following the story and provide more MJF backstage news as it comes in. What do you think of MJF’s situation? Let us know in the comments below.

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peepee poopoo


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