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More Details on WWE Sex Scandal


Alleged Scandal Could See Ouster of Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis

More details on the WWE sex scandal are emerging including an internal memo to WWE employees, possible ramifications, and the revelation that there may have been one instance of payouts in exchange for nondisclosure agreements to silence any allegations of misconduct.

As WrestleLamia previously noted, The Wall Street Journal reported that:

The board of World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. WWE 4.95%▲ is investigating a secret $3 million settlement that longtime chief executive Vince McMahon agreed to pay to a departing employee with whom he allegedly had an affair, according to documents and people familiar with the board inquiry.

H/T Wall Street Journal

Now, Brandon Thurston of Wrestlenomics is reporting on an internal communication sent to WWE employees:

What is particularly disturbing about the story is the findings of other nondisclosure agreements:

The board’s investigation, which began in April, has unearthed other, older nondisclosure agreements involving claims by former female WWE employees of misconduct by Mr. McMahon and one of his top executives, John Laurinaitis, the head of talent relations at WWE, the people said. The Journal couldn’t determine how many previous agreements were being scrutinized.

H.T The Wall Street Journal

Possible Ramifications for Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis

At this point it remains unknown what the WWE’s Board of Directors’ investigation will unearth but if any of the allegations are accurate, expect to see John Laurinaitis sent packing.

While Vince McMahon holds a majority ownership in the company, the Board could still have him removed and it might be necessary to avoid any further scandal. That’s not to say that McMahon wouldn’t influence things from behind the scenes but at this point, this is all speculation.

What do you think of the latest details on the WWE sex scandal? Let us know in the comments below.

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