McIntyre Feared Riot at Cardiff


“Scottish Warrior” Thought Fans Would Go Beserk Over His Loss

Drew McIntyre feared a riot would take place at Cardiff after Roman Reigns cheated his way to a win over him at the WWE’s Clash at the Castle event.

Clash at the Castle’s Drew McIntyre vs Roman Reigns match was one of the biggest bouts in recent history, with the fans in Cardiff going wild as they watched “The Scottish Warrior” take the Undisputed Champion to the limit.

Anyone who attended or watched the show will tell you it was one of the hottest crowds ever at a WWE event, so much that Drew McIntyre was concerned the fans would make their displeasure known after Solo Sikoa’s interference cost Drew the belt.

“The Scottish Warrior” recently spoke with My San Antonio about his monumental match against “The Tribal Chief.”

the buzz was incredible. It was the first U.K. stadium show in 30 years. The main event then was British Bulldog vs. Bret “The Hitman” Hart. But now I was in the main event, we took over the stadium and my face was plastered everywhere in Cardiff. It was such a surreal feeling because I grew up wrestling in those areas when I was at university. Now, to be back and to hear the crowd, which I thought would be like 70-30 like it was for Bulldog vs. Hart and he was English, and it was in England. I am not technically from Wales, and I am not even English. But they were 100 percent for me and against Roman and the atmosphere was great.”

H/T My San Antonio

McIntyre pointed out how Roman agreed with him about the fans’ response:

“I even asked Roman afterwards–because he has been a part of these matches with big crowds – have you heard anything like that, and he said ‘No.’ You’d be hard pressed to find a crowd that was that loud consistently throughout, especially our match. It was a World Cup soccer match the way they were shouting — the way they were singing their songs and chanting ‘F-U Roman’ the entire time. And they were not happy with that finish. I was generally concerned about rioting. That is the reason we did what we did after the match.”

H/T My San Antonio

McIntyre Feared Riot at Cardiff

McIntyre and Tyson Fury engaged the fans in an impromptu musical performance, unaware that the cameras were still rolling.

While Drew’s concern about a riot may sound like hyperbole, there was a time when fans did riot when things went awry for babyfaces.

Several instances abound but perhaps the best-known is the 19 November 1957 riot that broke out at Madison Square Garden during the main event match involving the babyface team of Edouard Carpentier and Antonio Rocca vs the heel team of Dr. Jerry Graham and Dick Ellis (aka Dick the Bruiser).

Fans lost it, resulting in thousands of dollars in damage to the Garden, numerous arrests, injuries, and the New York State Athletic Commission nearly banning wrestling.

What do you think of Drew’s tale? Let us know in the comments below.

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