Kurt Angle Discusses Potential Opponent For New Retirement Match


Interesting comments from Angle.

Kurt Angle’s retirement match back in 2019 was a complete dud. Angle would wrestle Baron Corbin at WrestleMania 35 in a lacklustre showdown, and ever since, there has been a consistent push from fans to see Angle have another retirement match.

Angle would discuss this possibility during an interview with WrasslinNews, and this was when Angle named three potential opponents. Angle stated:

In pro wrestling, anything’s possible. Maybe down the road, I might have the itch to do it again. I don’t have it now, and I don’t want it now, but you never know,” Angle stated. “You wait a couple years after your knee replacement surgery, and you see how you feel. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, that’s okay. “Ric Flair did not pick an older guy to wrestle. He picked Jay Lethal. There’s a reason for that. Jay Lethal is going to make him look good because he’s younger, and he’s in his prime. That’s what I would want if I came back and wrestled. I’d want a Roman Reigns, or a Seth Rollins, or even a John Cena. Those are the names that I would pick because I know those guys would carry me through a match”.

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