Cody Rhodes tries to make peace between Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens while all three men stand in the ring

KO and Sami Are Back Together!


“The Prizefighter” Saves KO from an Uso Beatdown

KO and Sami are back together! The sometimes-friends, sometimes-enemies, but always brothers reunited on tonight’s SmackDown.

Cody Rhodes opened SmackDown by calling out both men. He said he’s known them for years. Furthermore, Kevin Owens was there for him when he left the WWE several years back. “The American Nightmare” talked about how KO helped inspire him when he boldly left the WWE.

Rhodes appealed to both men to make up. Sami told KO he was there to listen to him. He even said he was there if Owens wanted to punch him. Owens wasn’t having it and walked away. Later, Sami pled with Owens in the parking lot to reconsider but KO drove away.

With Owens out of the picture, it was time for Sami Zayn to confront his former Bloodline teammate Jey Uso. Jey said that Sami embarrassed him by making him trust him. He let his guard down and fell for what he called Zayn’s pretense at friendship.

Zayn retorted by saying the only reason Jey is upset is because he hit Roman Reigns first. Zayn said he did what Jey has been wanting to do. Sami’s message did not go over well and Jey attacked him. Jimmy joined his brother and a two-on-one beatdown began.

The crowd erupted as Kevin Owens’ music played and “The Prizefighter” hit the ring, taking out the Usos with a Stunner and a powerbomb. KO and Sami hugged each other as The Usos looked on in astonishment.

KO and Sami Are Back Together!

Analysis: It’s been a long time coming and while fans believed it would happen, the WWE took the fans on some entertaining twists and turns.

What do you think of Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens reuniting? Let us know in the comments below.

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