Is Triple H Working in Creative?


Intense Speculation “The Game” Will Return to Creative

Intense speculation as fans ask if Triple H is working in creative and if not, will he? Let’s examine the possibilities including how it could affect his health.

Triple H recently returned to the role of EVP of Talent Relations, leading to questions about whether he might resume some of his creative chores in NXT.

“Diamond” Dave Meltzer discussed whether Helmsley will get involved in creative again:

“I believe so [Triple H will be involved in creative], but how involved is still something that we’re going to have to wait and see. I mean, he was involved tonight. I assume talent relations would normally be pretty separate, but I can only assume having him involved in some capacity, just because of limited options.”

H/T Ringside News

Are There Limited Options in Creative?

At this point everything is speculation but WrestleLamia believes there’s merit to Meltzer’s musings, especially the following point:

“Because of limited options, I do expect him to have some power of creative or some power on the wrestling side. Especially if we look at the idea that Stephanie runs the wrestling side, Nick [Khan] runs the business side. He’s Stephanie’s husband and he’s got his guys and he’s got people who are loyal to him.”

H/T Ringside News

While Triple H seems like an ideal candidate, the WWE will have to ensure that “The Cerebral Assassin” does not take on too many responsibilities given his recent cardiac issues. It is easy to envision scenarios where Triple H is overextended to the point that his physical health will be jeopardized as he works to help the WWE through this transitional period.

WrestleLamia recently discussed how Triple H could return to NXT where he helped build the black-and-gold version of the WWE’s developmental territory.

We also discussed how Triple would be better utilized working on RAW or SmackDown.

Assuming Hunter returns to creative, will “The Game” bring back any of the staff the WWE eliminated when it dismantled his version of NXT?

Is Triple H Working in Creative? Is He Up to It?

While Triple H seems like an ideal candidate, the WWE will have to ensure that “The Cerebral Assassin” does not take on too many responsibilities given his recent cardiac issues.

It is easy to envision scenarios where Triple H is overextended to the point that his physical health will be jeopardized as he works to help the WWE through this transitional period.

Do you think Triple H will return to WWE creative? Do you want him to? Let us know what you think in our comments section below.

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