WWE Superstar Edge poses in the ring at 2022 Extreme Rules show

Is Edge Retiring Soon or AEW Bound?


Is Edge retiring soon or is he AEW bound? Edge’s retirement is reportedly going to happen this summer. However, will it be a retirement from wrestling or a WWE retirement followed by a jump to AEW?

Edge has discussed retirement since 2022, stating he wants to wrestle his last match in Toronto. Since then, rumors have surfaced that “The Rated-R Superstar” wants to work at least one more match with his friend and tag team partner Christian. This has led to rumors Edge might end his run in the WWE but jump to AEW.

WrestleVotes recently discussed these rumors with GiveMeSport:

If he retires the summer in Toronto, I wouldn’t be surprised. I would be surprised if he finishes his current deal and then goes to AEW, WWE would be surprised too. Even though you’ve got Christian factor, you know, they could team one more time and wrestle each other one more time, I’d be surprised if he wrestles past WWE. WWE would be very surprised as well.

H/T GiveMeSport

You may recall that AEW was in talks with Edge to work for the company once it discovered he was cleared to compete. That didn’t happen and while WrestleVotes’ report suggests an AEW jump is unlikely, wrestling fans are constantly reminded why “never say never” is so applicable to the wrestling industry.

Is Edge Retiring Soon or AEW Bound?

What’s in Edge’s future? Would you like to see him wrestle in AEW? Let us know in the comments below.

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