Hulk Hogan Can’t Feel His Legs?


Kurt Angle Reveals Hulkster Dealing with Post-Surgery Issues

Hulk Hogan can’t feel his legs? That’s the report coming from Kurt Angle. The WWE’s “Olympic Hero” recently appeared at RAW XXX with a slew of Superstars including the Hulkster. Now, Angle is revealing a sad story he heard from the two-time WWE Hall of Famer.

The real-life gold medalist discussed things on his podcast, The Kurt Angle Show:

“I did speak to Hulk Hogan for a bit of time for about a half hour and I also spoke to Undertaker for about a half hour,” Angle said. “Those two guys are the two guys that I wanted to catch up with when I went there, so I was very happy to be able to do that.”

H/T Wrestling News

While Angle was able to catch up with these two legends, Hogan had some bad news to report:

 “Hogan had his back surgery again. He had the nerves cut from his lower body. He can’t feel his lower body, so he has to use his cane to walk around. I thought he was using the cane because he has pain in his back. He doesn’t have any pain. He has nothing at all. He can’t feel anything. So now he can’t feel his legs, so he has to walk with a cane. That’s pretty serious, man. I mean, I really feel for Hogan. He put his heart and soul into the business and it ate him up.”

H/T Wrestling News

Paying a Heavy Price After Decades in the Ring

Decades of delivering his famous finisher the Hogan Leg Drop of Doom eventually caught up with the Hulkster. Hogan had to undergo surgeries to help him deal with the damage to his hips and spine.

The Hulkster’s many surgeries have been documented including the toll they have exacted on him. For example, Hogan has discussed how he’s lost some of his height due to back surgeries. This news is even more disturbing.

Hulk Hogan Can’t Feel His Legs?

WrestleLamia is saddened to hear this news and sends its well-wishes to Hulk Hogan.

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1 year ago

Bro literally did the entire promo with no cane. This is BS. Its not a ‘sometimes’ disability.

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8 months ago

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