Happy Corbin 1

Happy Corbin Talks Edgier Character


Explains Why He’s Happy Working with HHH Again

In an interview sure to have people talking, Happy Corbin talks about an edgier character and the plans Triple H has for him.

Corbin, who disappeared weeks ago on SmackDown following a loss to Shinsuke Nakamura, spoke on the Johnny Dare Morning Show. According to Ringside News’ Sunil Joseph, Corbin praised Triple H for helping him in NXT and spoke about how Triple H was “looking to add more edge to his character.”

“He’s a guy who, when I came into NXT, he was a guy who really grabbed onto me and helped develop me and create who I was. My first entrance, he brought that whole motorcycle vibe, that drudgy rock music where I walked in, and I had spotlights over my head. That was all his vision. It’s cool to have him back because he has now kind of taken what I’ve been doing and going, ‘How do we put more edge back on you? How do we make you a little more badass again?’ That feels good to have that.”

H/T Ringside News

Fan chatter has it that it looks like Corbin is going to work with WWE Hall of Famer JBL in redeveloping his character. However, does Corbin need to become edgier?

Happy Corbin Talks Edgier Character

Analysis: While it’s encouraging to think the WWE is spending time with Happy Corbin, the wrestler has been through a variety of persona changes. He’s been “The Lone Wolf,” RAW General Manager, King Corbin, Broke As a Joke Corbin, and his recent incarnation, Happy Corbin.

Happy Corbin is a skilled technician who is well-known for his ability to make it appear he’s pulverizing opponents when in fact, his work is as light as a feather.

The former King of the Ring is a fantastic heel capable of getting instant heat and he’s bullet-proof. By that, I mean Corbin can lose to anyone yet come out looking like a threat to his next opponent.

His biggest problem isn’t that he’s lost his edge. His biggest problem is that the WWE has treated him as a supporting player. It’s laughable to say Corbin has lost his edge. He’s repeatedly been portrayed as someone willing to terminate a wrestler’s career.

For example, Corbin once pushed Elias off a balcony, nearly sending him to meet Elvis. On another occasion, he tried to break Drew McIntyre’s neck. Earlier this year, Corbin turned on his tag team partner Madcap Moss, again trying to finish Madcap’s career.

The former Baron is a wrestler with an edge. The only question now is whether the WWE wants to move him out of his current role and try him as a main eventer or continue his current role with a new gimmick.

What do you think? Has Corbin lost his edge or is the WWE booking him the same year after year? Let us know in the comments below.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Harry Brook
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