Frankie Kazarian in IMPACT Wrestling

Frankie Kazarian Talked with WWE


Former AEW Star Signed with IMPACT After WWE Talks

Frankie Kazarian talked with WWE officials before deciding to sign with IMPACT Wrestling. That’s straight from Kazarian himself who chatted with PWInsider’s Mike Johnson about his decision to leave AEW and choose IMPACT over the WWE.

The 45-year-old wrestler explained that his AEW contract was about to roll over and he told AEW management he preferred not to stay in the company. Kazarian, who as the inaugural AEW World Tag Team Champion alongside Scorpio Sky, said:

I wanted to get out before any feelings of resentment or bitterness. That message was relayed and they wanted to do right by me, which I respect the hell out of. As of January 1 this year, I was a free agent,” 

H/T Fightful

Kazarian went on to explain:

“In the spirit of transparency, I had great talks with the people at WWE. Those talks could not have been better, positive, more professional. I have nothing but great things to say about everybody in that organization, especially the people I spoke to and texted with. Ultimately, this was the best fit for me at this stage of my career and this point in my life. I have a great relationship with Scott D’Amore, I have history there, a lot of my legacy is there. At this stage, I was the best fit for IMPACT and IMPACT was the best fit for me,”

H/T Fightful

Frankie worked in various promotions including IMPACT Wrestling and Ring of Honor, holding singles and tag team gold. He showed up at IMPACT’s recent Hard to Kill pay-per-view, announcing he signed with the company.

Frankie Kazarian Talked with WWE

Analysis: Although Kazarian still looks fantastic and can go in the ring, the recent return of Vince McMahon may have given him reason to think twice about signing with the WWE. Kazarian doesn’t have the height or youth that would likely lead to any push should Vince return to creative.

What do you think of Kazarian signing with the WWE? Let us know in the comments below.

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