Cody Rhodes takes selfie with fan

Young Fan Jumps Barricade for Cody Picture


Cody Rhodes surprised by young fan jumping barricade to meet him

What happens when a young fan jumps a barricade for Cody? Normally, this would lead to a swarm of security taking the person away but in this case, the circumstances were much different. Cody Rhodes was in for a surprise after a young fan jumped a security barricade in order to get a picture with him. Rhodes had just worked a post-SmackDown dark match against Seth Rollins when he was posing with fans at ringside. Here’s a video uploaded to Twitter:

Not surprisingly, Cody was initially taken aback as he seemed to be focused on taking a selfie with the fans near him and had no idea of who had approached him. Given past attacks on wrestlers, one could argue that security should have done a better job. It has to be particularly difficult for wrestlers to interact with fans without worrying whether someone will try and attack them. Regardless, Cody didn’t let things bother him and he later tweeted:

Cody Rhodes’ recent WWE return has led to an outpouring of love and appreciation by the WWE Universe and this youngster is just one of many who can’t seem to get enough of “The American Nightmare.”

The feeling is mutual as Cody can’t seem to get enough time with the fans. Here’s video from an event where Cody encouraged the audience to sing “Happy Birthday” to a young fan at a recent WWE event.

Rhodes posed with the fan at ringside as well.

“The American Nightmare” seems to be having the time of his life following his WWE return. As Cody prepares for his WrestleMania Backlash rematch with Seth Rollins, it looks like he’ll have the full support of the WWE Universe.What are your thoughts on a fan jumping the barricade and what do you think of Cody’s reaction? Let us know in the comments below.

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