Ezekiel Posts Photo with Elias


Conclusive Proof Ezekiel is Elias’ Younger Brother?

One of the WWE’s biggest mysteries appears to have been solved as a photo of wrestling brothers Elias and Ezekiel has been posted on Instagram. Ezekiel recently debuted on RAW and while there is a resemblance between him and former WWE Superstar Elias (so much so that Kevin Owens has asked that Ezekiel take a lie detector to prove his identity), the photographic proof is difficult to dismiss. Ezekiel posted the picture on Instagram of himself and older brother Elias standing side by side along with the comment:

“Haters will say it’s photoshopped, but we know the truth.”

The idea of professional wrestlers and/or promoters trying to pull a fast one on the fans is outrageous as everyone familiar with the Sport of Kings knows this would never happen. This wouldn’t be the first time a wrestler’s sibling has competed and fans called their identity into question. Recall how Santino Marella’s sister, Santina competed in the women’s division, leading to speculation that Santina was actually Santino. The matter was finally resolved when Santino met Santina. Could this be a similar situation? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

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