Edge Believes He Only Has About A Year Left To Wrestle At An “Elite” Level


Some fans believe that Edge should win the new WWE World Title.

Edge recently appeared on Logan Paul’s podcast, and during the course of the interview, Edge would discuss his retirement plans, and Edge stated that he reckons he has around a year left.

The former WWE Champion stated:

I don’t want to stick around to the point where it’s like, ‘Oh, there he is. Okay.’ I don’t want to get there. When I come out now, I feel the explosion. I feel all of that to throw at them. That’s still there. I don’t know if that, for me, will ever go away. I feel like, in this last run, the Rocky Balboa movie, which I watched two nights before my comeback. I was in tears. (Sylvester) Stallone’s monologues in it, were all things that were going through my mind. I realized, ‘I gotta get this out of the basement,’ because I didn’t have the chance to end it the way I wanted it to. This time, I’m going to get to do that. Now, I have two little girls that I have to spend the rest of my life taking care of. I have a wish list of things that are still to do, but it’s not long, and neither is the time. At most, I might have another year in me, to be able to do it at this level and still be able to do it at an elite level where I can still hang, where I have to get in with Austin Theory, who is 25 and wasn’t born when I had my first match in WWE”.

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