Edge Announces Retirement Plans


Edge’s career is coming to an end.

Following his main event victory over Damian Priest on RAW, Edge cut a promo to announce that he plans to retire in August, 2023 in Toronto.

The WWE Hall of Famer stated:

On July 1st, 1992, I had my first wrestling match here as Adam Copeland,” Edge said. “I just knew I’d be standing in front of you guys one day, I just knew it. What I didn’t dream of is that I’d have to retire for nine years, and fight with every fiber of my being to get this back. And all of you are the reason for that!” This is a reciprocal relationship,” Edge continued. “I just went toe-to-toe with one of the best talents and future of this industry in Damian Priest. “I hope to come back one last time here in Toronto,” Edge stressed. “Looking at the calendar, we usually come here [to Toronto] in August. So, next August, I guarantee each and every one of you [that I’ll be back here]. And in a perfect world, we all say goodbye to each other that night. Hey, it’s OK, man. This is the place for me to do it [retire]. I mean this when I say it — I love all of you, and in case you missed it, I love being Canadian!”

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