CM Punk on Dynamite

Did Punk Punch First?


Latest Rumor Has It CM Punk Threw First Punch at All Out Brawl

Did Punk punch first during the alleged backstage broil between CM Punk, Ace Steel, The Young Bucks, and Kenny Omega?

Here’s the latest on the All Out backstage broil between CM Punk and company, a case that continues to intrigue wrestling fans with its drama and future implications for those involved.

The 19 September Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that while there haven’t been many new details about the incident, apparently everyone agrees about Punk’s actions:

Both sides and every version is that Punk threw the first punch, that a fight broke out, and that Guy hit Nick Jackson in the eye with a chair very hard and bit Omega and pulled his hair. The motivations from the Punk side were that he believed a fight was going to happen and punches would be thrown so he beat them to the inevitable punch that the claim is Matt Jackson was going to throw.

H/T 19 September 2022 Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The Million-Dollar Questions: Who Struck First and Why?

Although it sounds like Punk threw the first punch, there are different sides of why he allegedly threw the first punch:

Those close to the other side labeled it as a sucker punch. From the Steel standpoint it was about protecting his wife, who had a broken foot and was in the room, although escalating the fight and using a weapon has to be questioned for a producer with that in mind with his wife in the room.

H/T 19 September 2022 Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Not since Star Wars fans debated the issue of whether Han shot first has a community been so fascinated by the question of who struck first.

WrestleLamia will continue following this story as the wrestling world awaits the results of AEW’s independent investigation into the fracas.

What do you think of this latest development in the alleged altercation involving CM Punk and company?

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