CM Punk Tweets Support To Sasha Banks & Naomi


Punk is one of the first wrestlers to publicly tweet support to Banks & Naomi

The majority of WWE superstars have been reluctant to share their thoughts on the current situation between Sasha Banks and Naomi. Naturally, if a WWE talent decides to side with Banks and Naomi, it could seriously impact their position in WWE, and could ruffle feathers. Whilst this is true, there are certain talents in WWE who will be able to get away with supporting the two popular superstars, and not face any repercussions. Talents such as Roman Reigns and Randy Orton are virtually invincible, and if one of them took to social media to tweet support to Banks and Naomi, WWE would have limited options. 

Current AEW star, CM Punk took to Twitter yesterday to declare his support of Banks and Naomi. The former WWE Champion tweeted:

Doesn’t matter if your opinion of your coworker is positive or negative. Stand with them. Because they’ll do the same thing to you and you’ll wish someone helped. Trust me. You’re expendable. Together you’re unstoppable”.

This is great to see. Punk has always been known for supporting talents who stand up to authority, after all, Punk practically made it famous when he walked out of WWE in 2014. Punk walked out of WWE due to creative differences, and severe burn-out, and his situation back in 2014, actually appears to be rather similar to Banks and Naomi’s situation. Punk is set to meet Adam Page for the AEW World Title at the Double or Nothing PPV next Sunday. 

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