CM Punk Claims That Vince McMahon Will Run WWE ‘From The Shadows’.


Punk isn’t expecting much change from WWE.

It’s been a crazy week for WWE.

Following Vince McMahon’s retirement, it was announced that Triple H will be taking over the day-to-day creative process in WWE.

Whilst fans are hopeful for change, CM Punk claims that just because McMahon has retired, doesn’t mean he still won’t be running WWE from behind the scenes.

In a recent interview with the “Absolute Geek” podcast, Punk stated:

You think because he [McMahon] tweeted that ‘I’m retired’ that he’s not going to be hands-on, and he’s not gonna [run the show]?” Punk asked in response to a question on McMahon’s retirement. “Sure, we all are [hopeful of a change], but I don’t think the structure there…what’s the word I’m looking for… I don’t think the culture there changes. At all. I think it is what it is.”

Punk would then discuss Sasha Banks and Naomi walking out, and compared the situation to Lesnar apparently walking out this past Friday. Punk added:

I’ll put it to you like this – people are going to be real fu—g mad about this, but f–k it,” Punk said. “Mercedes [Sasha Banks] and Trinity [Naomi] leave, and they announce on SmackDown that ‘Gosh darn, we’re so disappointed in them, they really let our fans down.’ Brock [Lesnar] splits, comes back obviously, I think he worked the show [SmackDown], but where was Michael Cole saying ‘Man, Brock Lesnar really let these fans down?‘”

I walked out, they went on TV and they called me a quitter. What’s changed?” Punk asked. “What’s the difference? You’re gonna attack these two poor f—-ing women because they kinda had enough and walked? They got bigger balls than everybody there. So what’s changed, you know? There’s nothing much that’s changed.”

Punk continued, “There’s people that talk about it and there’s people that do it. The people who lick the boots and have the audacity to go on live television and say that about those two women? They’re f—-ng cowards and bootlickers. That s–t is ridiculous. Why didn’t they do it for Brock? They did it for me, you know?” H/T – WrestlingInc

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