Triple H in suit

Can Triple H Endure Work Schedule?


Will Workload Affect Triple H’s Health?

Can Triple H endure his new schedule? It’s a question being raised in light of “The Game’s” grave cardiac incident in 2021 and his new work assignments.

Hunter likely has a rigorous schedule now that he’s working as the head of creative and resumed his duties as EVP of Talent Relations? Working either job is likely stressful but what about working two?

Throw in Triple H’s life-threatening cardiac issues from 2021 and there’s reason to be concerned. Indeed, WrestleLamia raised this concern after Helmsley’s appointment as EVP last week and now, Dave Meltzer is discussing it in this week’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

There are obvious questions regarding Levesque, given he’s not far removed from significant heart issues. While he has recovered to where he can lead a normal life, running both talent relations and creative of doing five hours of weekly television most weeks, and eight or more hours on PPV weeks, is hardly living a normal level. It is filled with incredible stress, not to mention he would be back traveling for multiple shows per week.

H/T 1 August 2022 Wrestling Observer Newsletter

According to one report, Triple H will serve in the Vince McMahon role, letting subordinates write the WWE’s show subject to his final approval.

Can Triple H Endure Work Schedule? Making It Work

There are ways to minimize Hunter’s workload such as having him work from Titan Tower via Zoom calls and occasionally appearing in person for big shows such as premium events.

There is also the question of whether Triple H will delegate roles to subordinates, a move that could also reduce the strain on him.

Nevertheless, these concerns are valid and short of “The Game” having made a full recovery, there have to be people wondering how long Triple H can go before it compromises his health.

Do you think Triple H is up for his new challenges? Let us know in the comments below.

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