Bray Wyatt’s Return Has Been “Mid”


Breaking Down Everything That’s Went Wrong with Wyatt

Bray Wyatt’s Return has been “mid.” How could that happen? Bray Wyatt’s return at Extreme Rules was a much-anticipated and well-planned event that left fans hanging on the edge of their seats.

Five months later and Wyatt is missing in action and sadly, not all that missed. Join us now as WrestleLamia looks at why Bray Wyatt’s return has been “mid” and whether he’s salvageable.

Everything Seemed to Be in Place

Bray Wyatt’s return epitomized the benefits of Triple H’s elevation to Chief Content Officer. Wyatt, a true fan favorite would finally have an environment in which he could utilize his undeniable creativity and provide the fans with the character they only got to see a glimpse of. Things simply couldn’t go wrong. Spoiler: They did.

Unleashing Wyatt’s Creative Genius

Wyatt fans rejoiced as the man who repeatedly reinvented himself despite bad booking and a heavy hand that stifled his creativity would finally get to show fans what he was capable of.

Whether you enjoyed Bray as the head of the Wyatt Family, you dug the sinister symmetry of his Firefly Funhouse persona and his abominable alter ego, The Fiend, or you just enjoyed his enthusiastic attitude to entertain the fans innovatively, there was much to admire and enjoy about Wyatt’s work. Now, things were about to get good and there were more reasons for Wyatt fans to rejoice.

Wyatt’s “Director of Long-Term Creative”

Another bonus was the revelation that the WWE had hired Rob Fee as the company’s “Director of Long-Term Creative.” This hire seemed to justify itself when the WWE foreshadowed Wyatt’s return with its elaborate and thoroughly entertaining “White Rabbit” campaign. This campaign had fans tuning into RAW and SmackDown to track clues about Wyatt’s apparent return.

Triple H Was in Charge

Who could have thought things could go sideways with Triple H running the show? “The Game” made it his mission to bring back WWE talent that he felt had been underutilized including wrestlers that fans adored. Bray Wyatt fit the bill and it was understood that, unlike Vince McMahon, Triple H would allow Wyatt to use the ideas that didn’t necessarily fit into the box.

Wyatt Would Inhabit His Own Realm

Another good sign was that the WWE seemed to be keeping Wyatt in his own realm and away from top stars. One of the problems Wyatt had faced as The Fiend was that his opponents often suffered due to the clash in style between him as well as The Fiend being booked as a nearly unstoppable opponent.

From the start, it appeared that Wyatt would not work directly against the WWE’s top stars (at least initially). There were hints he’d work with and/or against some of the characters that were suggested when he debuted, characters fans dubbed The Wyatt Six.

Wyatt Warning Signs

The first two months of Wyatt’s run were full of goodwill from fans who were excited to see him back. However, over time, the novelty began to wear off.

Wyatt Doesn’t Wrestle for Months

One of the most overlooked problems with Wyatt’s return was his lack of matches. On one hand, the WWE wanted to maintain the novelty of Wyatt’s return and perhaps even the mystique. In hindsight, having a Superstar who had not competed in over a year sit on the sidelines wasn’t wise.

Wyatt could have enhanced ticket sales for live events by appearing while working matches. Another puzzling aspect of his in-ring return was how the WWE booked him in higher-risk bouts such as no-disqualification matches and “Lights Out Street Fights.”

Wyatt’s lack of matches gave him less time to get into in-ring shape and to connect with his fans besides cutting promos. Instead, Wyatt apparently suffered an injury, possibly the result of ring rust and working more taxing matches.

Uncle Howdy Goes from Enemy to Ally With No Explanation

Who is Uncle Howdy and why was he tormenting Bray Wyatt? The WWE left clues every week, presumably setting things up for an eventual in-ring confrontation. The WWE kept things ambiguous but it appeared that Howdy was intent on transforming Wyatt into his “true self.”

Uncle Howdy
Uncle Howdy’s Bizarre Turn from Foe to Friend Was Confusing

The IWC buzzed as rumors spread that Wyatt would wrestle Howdy at WrestleMania. This seemed to follow the thinking that Wyatt would have his own rogues gallery to battle while he was being built back up. Fans also puzzled over who was portraying Wyatt’s evil uncle.

However, things took a sharp 180 when Wyatt revealed he was Uncle Howdy and Howdy suddenly switched from foe to friend, aiding Wyatt rather than holding him back.

Mountain Dew Pitch Black Match

Perhaps the epitome of everything bad about Bray Wyatt’s return was the Mountain Dew Pitch Black Match. No one knew what the match entailed but it was known that it would be Wyatt’s first televised bout against LA Knight, an unlikely opponent who rose to the occasion by giving 110% to the supernatural storyline.

The match baffled fans even before it began. What exactly was a Pitch Black Match? Fans panicked, thinking it might be some sort of Blindfold Match, a match with a success rate equal to the Buffalo Bills’ wins at the Super Bowl.

An easy candidate for Wrestlecrap

While fans were spared a blindfold match, what they got wasn’t much better. Fans watched in silence as the arena lights dimmed as black light bathed the participants in a glorified Street Fight. The match wasn’t a complete disaster but it was a disappointment.

The wrestling gods passed their judgment on the match afterward when Uncle Howdy dived off a platform, missing LA Knight by a country mile. If ever something symbolized how a storyline was going, this was it. The only upside to this match was the rumored one million dollar payday the WWE collected from Mountain Dew.

Wyatt’s Snail-Paced Story

Another problem with Wyatt’s return has been the snail-like pace of his storyline. This problem isn’t limited to Wyatt as Triple H likes storylines to progress over time.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work with The Miz/Dexter Lumis and Bray Wyatt’s storylines exemplifying this. After five months, Wyatt fans have little answers to what Bray’s goals are in the WWE, who his allies are, and why he returned.

Too Much Sizzle and Not Enough Steak

Too much flash and not enough substance. Style vs substance. Too much sizzle and not enough steak. However you describe it, Wyatt’s run seems to lack depth. Music and pyro are awesome (and Wyatt has lots of that) but fans still want a storyline behind things.  Regrettably, they haven’t had it with the WWE apparently feeling flashing lights and cool music will keep fans dazed enough to forget how average Bray’s current campaign is.

A Terrible Mismatch

Wyatt’s match with LA Knight wasn’t the end of Bray’s momentum but it was clear his return was off to a bumpy start. So what did the WWE do? Consequently,  it doubled down by putting Wyatt against a main event opponent, unaware or unconcerned that Bobby Lashley was a mismatch in terms of presentation.

Bray Muscle Man Dance
Bray Wyatt’s “Muscleman Dance” video was dreadful

Lashley has always been presented as a world-class athlete and badass and other than Brock Lesnar (who according to some accounts turned down a WrestleMania match with Wyatt), he seems like one of the worst possible opponents for Wyatt. This was clear from the beginning when Wyatt remixed his “Muscleman Dance” to taunt Lashley, leading to “The All Mighty” visiting SmackDown and tangling with Uncle Howdy.

Now, there are conflicting stories about Wyatt’s absence from WWE television. According to one story, Wyatt is recovering from an injury. The other is that he and the WWE are arguing over “creative differences.” Whatever the case, there are problems with Wyatt’s character since his return.

Possible Problems

How could things go wrong? Again, no one is saying Bray Wyatt’s return has been a disaster but it’s been mid, leading to questions about why. Let’s look at the suspects.

Does Wyatt Have TOO Much Control?

One possibility is that Bray Wyatt has too much control over his character and it’s a case of the inmates running the asylum. One of Wyatt’s problems under Vince McMahon was that Vinnie Mac didn’t understand some of Wyatt’s bolder ideas. However, could it be that Wyatt needs some kind of moderator, even if it’s someone less draconian than Vince?

No Long-Term Vision

Bray Wyatt seems to have many ideas for his new persona and its supporting cast but does he have any endgame in mind? The WWE hired a long-term creative editor to help with storylines it doesn’t seem to be working. Is it because Wyatt and the editor are too close? Could it be the editor is too busy with other programs?

Is Vince Interfering?

Vince McMahon returns to WWE
Is Mr. McMahon interfering with Wyatt’s storyline?

Then again, is Vince interfering? Some fans believe McMahon’s return to run the business side of the WWE has included not-so-subtle interference with the creative process. As WrestleLamia has discussed many times, it’s impossible to prove McMahon’s interference other than what is presented on-screen.

Much as some fans have accused Vince of booking Brock Lesnar vs Omos, some believe a Bray vs Bobby Lashley match has Vince’s fingerprints on it. If so, this could explain Wyatt’s reluctance to embrace the program and the rumors of “creative differences.”

There’s Still Plenty of Hope

Despite a shaky start, there are several reasons to think Bray Wyatt can get into the groove and reconnect with the fans.

Wyatt’s Undeniable Popularity

Bray Wyatt’s popularity cannot be understated. As the current saying goes, Wyatt moves the needle whether it’s ticket sales or merchandise. Short of Bray refusing to cooperate with the WWE (or vice versa), there needs to be a resolution.

Fans Still Dig His Character

Although some fans just don’t like Wyatt’s gimmick, plenty do and if he’s used right, he can make the WWE a tidy sum of money and raise ratings. History has shown that the WWE Universe is always ready to embrace Wyatt, no matter how badly he’s been booked. In this case, his booking has been uneven but to most fans, it hasn’t been awful.

A Brief Pause to Regroup and Develop Wyatt Six Could Solve Problems

While the Bray Wyatt vs Bobby Lashley match may be in jeopardy, it could turn out to be fortuitous. Whether Wyatt is injured or he’s at loggerheads with WWE management over his creative direction, a brief pause could help everyone get back to business. The WWE has already invested considerable time and money into Bray’s return. Unless Vince McMahon is running things, why drop Wyatt’s storyline and move on?

Bray Wyatt’s Return Has Been “Mid”

Well, guys, there you have it, WrestleLamia’s analysis of why Bray Wyatt’s return has been mid. What do you think of our assessment and can Bray Wyatt’s return be salvaged? Let us know in the comments below.

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