Bischoff Compares CM Punk to Hulk Hogan


Is “Easy E” Throwing the Hulkster Under the Bus?

Eric Bischoff compares CM Punk to Hulk Hogan during a recent podcast but is “Easy E” throwing the Hulkster under the bus with this comparison?

Wondering what Eric Bischoff thinks about the current crisis involving CM Punk and AEW? Don’t worry because “ATM Eric” always seems ready to share his thoughts. The former WCW wunderkind had this to say on his Strictly Business show about the latest Punk/AEW squabbling:

“Unfortunately, Tony will find a way to allow this to continue, and Punk will be back, which will be a big mistake. Who the f–k is Ace Steel anyway? Just because he’s a confidant of CM Punk’s? Why is he allowed to jeopardize the network premiere of a brand-new show? Are you f—ing kidding me? People say I’m just being negative when I refer to the dysfunction within the

H/T Ringside News

“Easy E” suggested if Punk wants Ace Steel around badly enough, he should pay him out of his own pocket.

Many fans and pundits are asking how many meltdowns and impasses it will take from Punk before AEW decides to dump him. Although Punk has his supporters backstage and fans online, Bischoff addressed comparisons between Hulk Hogan and Punk in terms of being prima donnas:

All these hardcore wrestling fans and Punk himself is so anti-Hogan because [they think] he’s selfish and whatnot. Punk’s worse!”

H/T Ringside News

This isn’t the first time “ATM Eric” has shared his thoughts about Punk. Bischoff appears to have zero respect for CM Punk.

Bischoff Compares CM Punk to Hulk Hogan

What do you think of Bischoff’s latest take on Punk? Let us know in our comments section below.

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