Happy Corbin 1

Baron Corbin Joins Forces with JBL


Baron Corbin Jumps from SmackDown to RAW

Baron Corbin joins forces with JBL, something that wasn’t a shocker for fans keeping up with WrestleLamia but still, an exciting segment on RAW.

The WWE teased JBL’s arrival earlier on RAW when JBL’s trademark white limo pulled up.

JBL cut a powerful promo, burying the fans in Oklahoma before burying Rey Mysterio. JBL mocked Mysterio for leaving RAW but said it opened things up for Corbin to jump to RAW. JBL introduced Corbin and said he’s a true talent, unlike Dolph Ziggler, who has been robbing the WWE for the last 15 years.

The WWE Hall of Famer continued questioning Ziggler’s credentials, pointing out that “The Master of the Zig Zag” couldn’t have cut it during the Attitude Era.

JBL announced that the era of Corbin was about to begin and that Baron Corbin is the new wrestling god.

Corbin wrestled Dolph Ziggler while JBL praised his new client, boasting of how Corbin would raise to the top in any era of wrestling promo. The former WWE Champion discussed how he’d helped Corbin with some pointers but that Corbin didn’t need to learn much.

Baron Corbin Joins Forces with JBL

Analysis: This was a well-executed segment with JBL doing a fantastic job building up Corbin while the newly-dubbed wrestling god defeated Ziggler.

Could JBL’s alliance with Corbin be the catalyst that takes Baron to the main event?

What do you think of this alliance? Let us know in the comments below.

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