WWE Superstar Natalya

Backstage Heat on Natalya?


Reports that “Queen of Hearts” is “Difficult” Backstage

Is there backstage heat on Natalya? That’s the report coming in from Ringside News‘ H. Jenkins.

You’ll likely recall the incident that occurred last weekend where Natalya reportedly no-sold Liv Morgan’s finisher and stormed out of the ring following their Triple Threat Match at a live event.

A recent story by Jenkins claims:

A tenured member of the writing team informed us that “Nattie was a serious problem backstage last Friday, so bad that several producers and writers were talking about whether they go straight to Vince McMahon, observe protocol and go to Bruce Prichard.” Since John Laurinaitis is gone, this was a real question.

H/T Ringside News

The 40-year-old Canadian wrestler has worked on the main roster since 2008, and while the second-generation star’s membership in the legendary Hart Dynasty has helped her career, she hasn’t lasted 14 years due to her pedigree.

Natalya has held the Divas Championship, the SmackDown Women’s Champion, and the Women’s Tag Team Championship, a reflection of the WWE’s confidence in her ability.

Although Natalya is not a consistent main eventer, she serves a purpose as a wrestler who can work in the mid-card, the upper-card, and even the main event as needed. Natalya is the classic wrestling mechanic who can make any opponent look good.

It’s unknown if Natalya may feel she deserves more, but it’s not as if she’s chasing the 24/7 Championship. Natalya recently worked a championship program with then-SmackDown Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey and has been a central player in the WWE’s Women’s Tag Team Championship scene.

Fans will have to wait and see how this story plays out but if the WWE brings back the “Natalya farting” gimmick, chances are there’s more to the story than just hearsay.

Do you think there is backstage heat on Natalya? If so, could she face any disciplinary action? Let us know in the comments below.

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