Are the Hardys Splitting Up?


Matt Hardy Suggests He May Go Solo

Are the Hardys splitting up? That’s the impression Matt Hardy seems to be sending. If so, what’s next for Matt?

Brother Matt discussed his legendary team with brother Jeff and how Jeff’s current DUI case could impact Team Extreme’s future.

Matt dove deep into the situation during the latest episode of AEW’s YouTube program, Being the Elite. The former “Woke” one discussed how he and Jeff were scheduled to compete for the AEW World Tag Team Championship at Road Rager only for Jeff to be pulled from the match.

I don’t put that on Jeff. I don’t blame Jeff for that. I look in the mirror and go I’m the one that keeps bringing him back. I’m the one that is obsessed with this legacy of proving ourselves as one of the greatest tag teams ever. Maybe it’s taught me one thing I can say with clarity is that not winning the AEW World Tag Team Titles has left me broken. But Not Broken in the fun, fantastical way not at all, certainly. Broken in reality. So why do I give a shit about anything anymore?

H/T Ringside News

Rumor has it that the Hardys were scheduled to win the AEW Tag Team Championship in the Three-way Ladder Match between themselves, the Young Bucks, and Jurassic Express.

Are the Hardys Splitting Up? What Are Matt’s Plans?

What does the future hold for Matt Hardy? During an episode of his podcast, The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy, Matt commented on some of the possibilities.

Start a new version of Matt Hardy and build it off of the real-life scenario, which there are a lot of things that I’m very upset and disappointed about that we didn’t have this run that I really wanted to have, and the take I tried to put on but by saying maybe it was on me because I’m the one so obsessed with cementing our legacy, maybe I’m here and I’m all in for it. But maybe Jeff isn’t.

H/T Ringside News

The 47-year-old grappler continued:

Maybe it’s my fault for bringing Jeff back into this. Maybe he’s not as committed as I am to becoming one of the greatest tag teams ever or really trying to cement that legacy. Maybe he’s kind of done. Maybe he’s checked out. So I think there’s a lot of different interesting directions I can go from thisI figure a lot of people are going to watch that and they think I’m going to go on and I’m going to complain about Jeff, or be upset with, Jeff or disappointed with Jeff, and I tried to steer completely in a different direction

H/T Ringside News

Is Matt Hardy blaming himself for putting too much pressure on Jeff? It certainly sounds like it although it’s also clear Matt isn’t blaming Jeff.

What do you think is next for Matt Hardy? Are the Hardys finished as a tag team? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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