Ruby Riott

All Out Injury Report


Ruby Soho Suffers Broken Nose. Christian Cage Works Hut

Time for your All Out injury report. Ruby Soho was injured during the show while Christian Cage worked injured.

The Wrestling Observer’s Ethan Renner reports Ruby Soho suffered a broken nose during her tag team match during All Out’s Zero Hour pre-show:

Soho’s injury came at the conclusion of the Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo vs. Ortiz and Soho AAA Mixed Tag Team title match as Soho took a Tay KO from Melo directly to the face. Soho immediately covered her face with her hands as Melo pinned her, then was checked on by referee Rick Knox. Soho continued to hold her hands over her face as she left the ringside area.

H/T Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online

There was a spot in the match where Soho landed on her neck and it looked like she could have been injured. Thankfully, there have been no reports of a neck injury.

All Out Injury Report

Wondering why the Christian Cage vs Jungle Boy match didn’t even make it to the 30-second mark? Turns out that “Captain Charisma” (H/T Wrestling News)was hurt and couldn’t work the match.

While fans are still waiting for an explanation for why Luchasaurus turned on Jungle Boy (the masked monster choke-slammed Jungle Boy and also planted him through a table before throwing him into the ring for Cage), we now know why Cage polished Jungle Boy off in quick fashion. No word on the extent of Cage’s injury but WrestleLamia will continue following this story.

Did you watch All Out? Did you notice the injuries during Ruby Soho and Christian Cage’s matches? Let us know in the comments below.

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