AEW Lifts Suspensions


Bryan Alvarez Reports Several Wrestlers Reinstated

Big news for All Elite fans as AEW lifts the suspensions of several wrestlers. Bryan Alvarez is reporting that some of the wrestlers suspended after AEW’s All Out post-show skirmish have been reinstated.

Short of just coming out of a coma (medically induced or otherwise), you probably know by now that AEW suspended several wrestlers including CM Punk, Kenny Omega, and The Young Bucks. What you may not know is that the company also suspended other wrestlers as well. Speaking on Wrestling Observer Live, Bryan Alvarez revealed:

“Everybody involved, including those breaking up the fight, ended up being suspended by AEW. Essentially, they were sent home and no one heard anything. No contact between AEW and anybody that was sent home. They were all just sitting there. No idea what’s going on, just sitting.”

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AEW Lifts Suspensions

As reported by several news outlets, AEW hired an independent investigator to probe what happened and the company appears to be handling things carefully. Apparently, the investigation has provided some answers as Alvarez reports several suspensions have been lifted:

As of today, I don’t know everybody who is off suspension. But I believe that everybody who was involved in breaking up the fight is now off suspension. I know that Pat Buck is off suspension, Brandon Cutler is off suspension and I think some other people were called today and they’re off suspension. So right now, to the best of my knowledge, and there may be phone calls being made right now for all I know. I believe that if you were involved in breaking it up, you are off suspension. But if you were actually involved in the fight…you are still on suspension.”

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Obviously, fans want to know when the wrestlers allegedly involved in the fracas will be back. That remains one of the most intriguing questions for AEW fans as they wonder what it means for the future of several of the company’s top stars not to mention several of its founders.

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