
Wardlow’s Booking is Pathetic


Editorial: TNT Champion Booked Like He Belongs on AEW Dark

While it may be obvious, I think it’s worth reminding people that Wardlow’s booking is pathetic (or more specifically, AEW’s booking of Wardlow is pathetic). The current TNT Champion still destroys opponents with his Symphony of Powerbombs but he’s nothing but an afterthought.

Even the most diehard AEW fan has to admit Wardlow’s booking has been the drizzling shits since AEW Double or Nothing. Sure, he won the TNT Championship but who has he defended it against? What high-profile matches has Wardlow been in?

AEW nearly destroyed Wardlow’s push when it booked him against the comedy character Orange Cassidy. Not only was it a clash of styles but the babyface vs babyface dynamic hurt things even more.

With booking like that, perhaps it’s better that the big man hasn’t been in any significant matches. Still, his booking has done nothing to capitalize on the sheer momentum he enjoyed during his feud with MJF.

The lack of competition for Wardlow has hurt the once prestigious TNT Championship. While AEW may feel that Wardlow isn’t ready for a world title run why isn’t the company having him defend the TNT Championship against other big men such as Miro or Brody King?

Wardlow’s Booking is Pathetic

Instead, Wardlow has been stuck in tag team matches. He teamed with FTR at All Out in a Trios Match when he should have defended his TNT Championship.

Just to prove that wasn’t a mistake, AEW is booking Wardlow in this week’s Grand Slam special on Rampage rather than Dynamite. AEW is compounding the problem by booking him in a tag team match with Samoa Joe against Tony Nese and Josh Woods.

This latest tag match is a waste of time unless AEW is planning on Samoa Joe turning on Wardlow (Joe vs Wardlow could be an epic feud). Otherwise, why isn’t he defending the title? PAC is defending the All-Atlantic Championship on Dynamite against Orange Cassidy. AEW might as well put Wardlow on AEW Dark or Elevation.

At this rate, the fans could lose interest in Wardlow and worse, Wardlow could lose interest in AEW. If that happens, count on the big man to head straight for the WWE once his AEW deal expires.

What do you think of AEW’s booking of Wardlow? Let us know in the comments below.

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[…] in AEW without a complaint (or at least any public complaints). As noted in a recent WrestleLamia editorial, AEW’s booking of Wardlow has been nothing short of […]

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