RAW’s Lead Commentator Chimes In On Sasha/Naomi Situation


Jimmy Smith had some interesting comments to say…

The story of Sasha Banks and Naomi walking out of WWE has dominated headlines over the past two-weeks, and now RAW’s lead commentator, Jimmy Smith has chimed in on his thoughts on the situation.

Speaking on his Unlocking The Cage podcast,  Smith gave his reason as to why he thinks WWE have openly addressed the walk-out live on air, as well as on social media. Smith stated: 

The rumor I have heard is, in the days of social media, where the performers themselves can spin their own narrative. Nowadays, if The Ultimate Warrior got cut — people know the story, at SummerSlam, he ran to the back, was immediately fired by Vince McMahon because he made all these demands — Ultimate Warrior would have picked up his phone and recorded something on Instagram and said ‘F Vince McMahon’ or whatever. The superstars themselves are able to get their own story and narrative out in the public in ways they couldn’t 20, 10, 15 years ago. What it feels like the WWE is doing, I don’t know, they haven’t discussed it with me, is they are getting ahead of the ability of Sasha Banks and Naomi to put out their own narrative. If you don’t say why, they’ll say why, and it’ll paint them in a different light. WWE wants their perspective out there,” he said. “I’m not surprised at all by the stance of WWE. They almost don’t have a choice. You don’t release a statement saying, ‘they dropped their titles, they’re unprofessional, we expect our talent to perform their contractual obligations.’ You don’t make a statement like that and not punish the people. Once they did that, the consequences are there”.

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