John Cena Hoping For WWE Return


Cena last featured on WWE TV in the summer of 2021.

John Cena was WWE’s top guy for over a decade, but over the past few years, Cena has been taking on a part-time role in WWE. Cena has had huge success in Hollywood, but he insists that he is still an integral part of WWE’s family.

Although Cena’s appearances in WWE are limited, Cena has confirmed that he will be back inside a WWE ring soon. Whilst speaking to Adam Glyn, Cena confirmed that he will be returning to WWE very soon. Cena stated:

Oh, soon. I know in WWE, I turn 20 pretty soon so that’s a pretty big thing. From a pretty storied class of folks Batista, Randy Orton, Brock, we kind of all turn 20 this year, so I’m aware that that’s coming around the corner, and who knows, but it’s one of those hard truths to bear. There’s a lot of cool stuff going on, and I don’t want to say no to any opportunities that are on my doorstep. So I don’t know when I’ll be back. But hopefully, it’s soon. I’ve been gone for too long. Just be okay with failing. This ‘transition’ has taken 15 years now. So from ‘The Marine’ until now and there’s a lot of failure in there you guys have watched. Don’t be afraid to fail, and it’s okay to have a great support system around you, and certainly the WWE audience, I’ve said on multiple occasions and I’ll keep saying it, they made me into the man I am today”. 

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