Big E suffers setback

Big E Suffers Big Setback With Broken Neck


New Day Strongman Not Healing “Optimally”

The power of positivity is stronger than ever because even as Big E suffers setback in his recovery from the devastating injury that’s sidelined him, he’s remaining upbeat. Big E tweeted:

Anyone familiar with the New Day knows that their “Power of Positivity” is more than a marketing slogan as they live and breathe a positive outlook on life. Big E’s support system is undoubtedly helping him. Even as Big E suffers a setback, he knows he has friends and family looking out for him. A recent tweet from New Day brother Kofi Kingston shows just how close the New Day are with each other.

You’ll likely recall that Big E was hurt when he landed wrong on his neck after taking a suplex outside the ring from Ridge Holland. Wrestling News’ Andrew Ravens provided a recap of just how bad Big E was hurt:

The former WWE Champion later revealed that he suffered a broken neck. The C1 and C6 were fractured, but non-displacement. He also didn’t damage his spinal cord nor suffer any ligament damage and didn’t need surgery.

H/T Wrestling News

At one point there were serious concerns about the extent of Big E’s injuries as he landed hard on his neck. Thankfully, his powerful musculature seems to have reduced the severity of the injury and while its severity shouldn’t be downplayed, it could have been much worse.

Big E has long been considered one of wrestling’s real-life heroes as his optimism and generous nature are well-known in the wrestling community. The former WWE Champion is likely going to be out of action for a long time but his grace under pressure shows he refuses to give up.

What do you think of Big E’s attitude? Let us know in the comments below.

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