Promotional photo for Austin Theory vs John Cena at WrestleMania XXXIX

Austin Theory Defeats John Cena


Is “A-Town” Truly the “Now and Forever” Champion?

Austin Theory defeats John Cena, retaining the U.S. Championship. Now, fans will have to ask, is Theory really “The Now and Forever” Champion after defeating 16-time world champion John Cena?

Theory started off strong and dominated the match. However, Cena’s experience led to him finding an opening and he locked in the STF, unaware that he had inadvertently knocked the referee over earlier. A-Town tapped out but the referee wasn’t there.

Cena thought he won at first and then realized something was wrong. John checked on the referee and turned around into a low blow. Theory hit “A-Town” Down for the pinfall victory.

This is undoubtedly the biggest win of “A-Town’s” career which says quite a lot given his wins over Seth Rollins, Edge, and Bobby Lashley. Not only did Austin beat Cena but he did so on “The Grandest Stage of Them All.” Theory is only 25 years old which invites the question—how much longer until he secures a world championship?

Theory’s win over Cena marks the culmination of a career turnaround that started after he failed to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase against then-United States Champion Seth Rollins. Theory enjoyed a strong push when Mr. McMahon backed him.

Unfortunately, Theory’s Money in the Bank win seemed to weigh his career down. The reason was simple, there was no way he was going to dethrone Roman Reigns. The WWE had too many plans for Reigns to take the belt off him.

To the WWE’s credit, it didn’t give up on Theory. Instead, it doubled down by tweaking his character and ditching his selfie gimmick. Theory replaced his old persona with a tougher wrestler who was determined to prove he was no kid.

Austin has always had the athletic gifts in the ring and he continues to excel on the microphone. Tonight’s win could be a turning point in his career that sends him down a path to the world championship.

Austin Theory Defeats John Cena

What do you think of Theory’s win? Did you enjoy the match? Let us know in the comments below.

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Last edited 1 year ago by mariegarzms3
1 year ago

Theory’s win over John cena imo ment nothing, he only won coz the ref had been knocked down and then used a low blow to get the upper hand. It would have been better for him to win clean not dirty

Last edited 1 year ago by Ben
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

@Ben, I am glad Theory won against Cena because Cena sucks BBC.


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