Undertaker and Rhea Ripley Discuss Wrestling’s Autograph Problem


Hall of Famer and “The Nightmare” Expound on Fans’ Behavior

The Undertaker and Rhea Ripley discuss wrestling’s autograph problem. The issue has been in the news lately after various incidents involving wrestlers being accosted at airports and in other non-wrestling venues.

The situation has reportedly become an issue inside the WWE and amongst some wrestlers. The chief problem seems to be people not respecting boundaries. Let’s take a look at two wrestlers’ takes about autographs.

The Undertaker

One person who has made it clear about his policy for signing autographs is The Undertaker. The WWE Hall of Famer discussed his signing protocol with The Bet: Las Vegas:

“My kids play sports and it becomes a thing every weekend. People will come up and [say,] ‘Hey can I have [an autograph or a picture]?’ I appreciate you being a fan, but I’m not Undertaker [right now]. I’m dad this weekend and hopefully you understand that.”

H/T Wrestling Inc.

‘Taker added that in other circumstances he’ll accommodate fans who are respectful:

“I’d say 95% of the people really do understand. Occasionally, you get somebody that is just so entitled that they feel like you’re a dick. If you don’t understand, then I guess I am.”

H/T Wrestling Inc.

Rhea Ripley Discusses the Challenges of Accommodating Autograph-Seekers

Current RAW Superstar Rhea Ripley shared her experience with autograph hounds. She recently tweeted a strong message after a bad experience at the airport:

Rhea explained how difficult travel is for her. This challenge is made worse by people who crowd her and are disrespectful.

“We fly around so much and we travel so much. Right now I’m doing both brands, so I’m at the airport pretty much every single day. So I run into fans every single day and there’s a lot of them. And when it comes to signing, some of them have piles of the same photos, of the same action figures, of the same pop vinyls, of the same cards — and they want you to sign every single one of them. And if you say, ‘Hey, I’m just going to sign one, I’ve got places to be’ — because most of the time we do, we’re running late. I was running late to work this morning because I landed so late and I’ve got to be here at a certain time, and sometimes we just can’t sign it all.”

H/T Ringside News

“The Nightmare” discussed an incident when she was accosted by an autograph hound outside the airport. Ripley explained the man in question is well-known for getting items autographed in order to sell them on auction sites. Things escalated and she was hassled by five men as she tried to find her Uber.

Ripley Recognizes True Fans

She explained the difference between people trying to monetize her and true fans:

Like I said before, if you’re a genuine fan and you just want a photo with us — we don’t mind taking photos. We love our fans, we love our support, and we love everything about the WWE Universe. If you want a photo, I’m down to take a photo, and I know everyone else is, too. If you have a photo of you and us together, I’m going to sign it because that’s a personal thing and I know you’re going to keep that and cherish that, and you’re a true fan, you’re not just trying to make quick money off us while we’re at the airport. Especially at an airport, in many cases, we’re sleep deprived, we’re in a rush, we haven’t eaten, and then there’s people jumping down our throats expecting something from you. It’s just a lot.”

H/T Ringside News

Undertaker and Rhea Ripley Discuss Wrestling’s Autograph Problem

Analysis: It might help to differentiate between people looking to profit from wrestlers and fans seeking selfies or autographs. Call the first group autograph-hounds (or leeches). Refer to the second group as fans.

Unfortunately, some fans don’t know how to respect boundaries. At the same time, most fans do and they shouldn’t be labeled with people harassing wrestlers in search of a fast buck.

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[…] always fun to see wrestlers interacting with fans. While there have been complaints about so-called fans harassing wrestlers for autographs, many of these individuals seem to be more intent on monetizing their meetings with […]

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