Bloodline stand over Drew McIntyre

Sami Talks About Original Bloodline Plans


Zayn Discusses How Program Took On a Life of Its Own

Interesting insights as Sami Zayn talks about the original Bloodline plans involving him on SmackDown. The blue brand Superstar Sami Zayn has come a long way from his days as a nuisance to The Bloodline to his current status as an “Honorary Uce.”

However, Zayn recently revealed that there were no long-term plans for him and the faction. Sami discussed the storyline with the UK Mirror:

“This is one of the more filled-out, long-term stories I’ve ever been a part of, and it’s long, even by WWE standards. Usually, we might do two or three month stories, but I’ve been aligned with The Bloodline in some respects since April and we’re still only kind of scratching the surface as to where this is going to go.”

HT U.K. Mirror

Zayn elaborated on how the storyline and how it was first pitched:

“The initial idea was just to have some on-screen interactions every now and again because it made sense as the self-proclaimed locker room leader I should have a good rapport with the Head of the Table. So, we were kind of cooking up that idea.”

H/T U.K. Mirror

Sami Talks About Original Bloodline Plans

Wrestling fans quickly warmed up to the idea of the always aggravating Zayn worming his way into the group and playing comic relief. While this could have been a bad mix, Zayn’s zaniness actually made for entertaining TV. Sami talked about how the WWE Universe’s strong reaction to his presence helped further the storyline:

“But one of the things I’m realizing is with live audiences these stories tend to take a life of their own, and you kind of don’t know where they’re going to go and that’s actually what’s exciting about it. I see all the fans trying to predict it and they don’t know and, in a way, I don’t know because the reactions start taking it in different directions.”

H/T U.K. Mirror

One thing fans can be thankful for is that Triple H has allowed this story to develop. There is no telling how Vince McMahon would have handled things, especially in light of his habit of writing TV the way he thinks fans want things to go, even when the audience’s reaction suggests otherwise.

Are you enjoying Sami Zayn’s role in The Bloodline? Let us know in the comments below.

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