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27 September Wrestling News Video


Tony Khan Lays Down the Law, White Rabbit Riddles Revealed, and More!

Time for your 27 September 2022 wrestling news video as WrestleLamia looks at the wildest wrestling news stories and rumors you need to know and provides our exclusive analysis of the 26 September edition of RAW, looking at the good, the bad, and the downright ugly!

27 September Wrestling News Video

Tony Khan Lays Down the Law

AEW President Tony Khan is laying down the law when it comes to wrestlers requesting their releases. We’ll look at Khan’s purported policy and what it means for wrestlers looking to return to the WWE.

Latest White Rabbit Riddles Revealed

Wrestling fans got a cornucopia of clues on the 26 September RAW and WrestleLamia has them all for you as we look at the latest QR code and its many meanings.

Big Post-Show Brawl on RAW

There was a big post-show brawl involving two WWE Superstars. Who were they and why didn’t the WWE include it on RAW?

Update on Bobby Fish Rumor

Did Bobby Fish try and entice his Undisputed Era teammates Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly into bailing on AEW? There’s another side to the story being told but which version do you believe?

Teddy Long’s Wife Passes Away

Sad news to report as WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long’s wife recently passed away. WrestleLamia will take a look at the multi-talented man’s comments about his late wife.

What do you think of these stories and rumors? What did you think about the 26 September edition of RAW? Share your thoughts in our comments below.

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