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Jericho WWE Return? 24 August 2022 News Video


More WWE Title Unifications, Rumors on Punk Backstage Heat, and More!

WrestleLamia’s 24 August 2022 news video features plenty of the wildest news stories and rumors you need to know including talk of Jericho returning to the WWE so let’s get started.

Is Chris Jericho Interested in a WWE Return?

This story is another example of how one tweet can light up the IWC; in this case, a tweet from Chris Jericho that has some fans speculating whether he’s interested in returning to the WWE. However, is there any substance to this one and did “The Wizard” accuse the WWE of contract tampering?

WWE Unifying NXT and NXT UK Championships

Big news for fans of NXT and NXT UK as the WWE has announced two title unification bouts will take place at 4 September’s Worlds Collide show. WrestleLamia will look at which belts are on the line and who will compete for them.

Konnan Talks of Widespread Anger in AEW

Is AEW underutilizing some of its wrestlers? Former wrestler Konnan claims AEW’s influx of talent hasn’t gone over well as wrestlers have struggled to get booked on a regular basis. We’ll hear Konnan’s take and that of an AEW executive.

Is Triple H Unlikely to Use Part-Timers?

There’s a story going around that Triple H is less likely to use part-timers than Vince McMahon did. We’ll cut to the chase and explain where this rumor got started.

Rey Mysterio Talks End of Wrestling Career

Rey Mysterio recently celebrated 20 years in the WWE but at age 47, how much longer does he see himself competing in the squared circle? “The Master of the 6-1-9” spoke with BT Sports’ Ariel Helwani about his future but as we’ll see, this isn’t the first time Rey has talked about retirement.

24 August 2022 News Video: Even More News and Rumors!

WrestleLamia will also examine the talk of improved morale in the WWE as well as a story of how Mustafa Ali was going to use Hulk Hogan’s “Real American” entrance music.

What do you think of these news stories? Let us know in our comments section.

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calm music


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