2022 SummerSlam Real-Time Recap


Who Will Emerge Victorious at “The Biggest Party of the Summer?”

WrestleLamia is presenting your 2022 SummerSlam real-time recap. Check back for real-time results of each match as we keep you informed on the winners, the losers, and any surprises that occur.

Before you check out our 2022 SummerSlam real-time recap, be sure to watch our predictions video below:

RAW Women’s Championship Match. Bianca Belair (Champion) vs. Becky Lynch:  

Bianca Belair vs Becky Lynch

Bianca starts off strong using her power and dexterity but Lynch slows her down with mat wrestling, targeting “The -EST’s” left arm. Belair tries a comeback as the two brawl outside the ring but Lynch quickly recovers and continues working over the champion’s shoulder and arm. Belair blocks a suplex and goes to counter but Lynch rolls her up for a near-fall. Lynch seems to be a step ahead of Belair as the match continues. Bianca goes for the Disarmer but Belair escapes. Dropkick sends Belair out of the ring onto the mat apron. Becky goes to the top rope for a legdrop but Belair counters, driving Lynch into the mat. The two women begin brawling as Becky is driven fast-first into the mat apron. Becky grabs Belair’s ponytail and goes to pull her into the ringpost but Belair reverses and Lynch goes into the ring post. The champion suplexes the challenger onto the floor but both women make it back into the ring. Cover by Belair for a two count. Crossbody by Lynch by Belair catches her and tries an overhead press. Near-fall by Lynch. Belair beats the count and somehow Lynch rolls in before ten. Belair goes for the K.O.D. but Lynch escapes. Belair goes to the top rope but Lynch beats her to the top. Lynch jumps off and yanks Belair off the top rope with an assist from Belair’s ponytail. Manhandle Slam and a cover for a near fall. Lynch begins dropping forearms onto Belair then goes for another Dis-Arm-Her. Rollup by Belair as both exchange near-falls. Spanish Fly by Belair. K.O.D. connects as Belair covers Lynch for the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair

After the match, Lynch offers her hand. Belair is wary but shakes it as Lynch leaves and Belair celebrates.

The crowd goes wild as Bayley shows up but she’s not alone! Dakota Kai enters the stadium followed by Io Shirai. Things look bleak for Bianca as Bayley and her new allies confront her but Becky Lynch returns to the ring and the heels back off.

Logan Paul vs. The Miz (with Maryse and Ciampa):

Logan Paul starts off strong and while the Miz gets an occasional burst of offense in, Paul’s quest for revenge seems too much. Ciampa tries to interfere but the referee orders him to the back. When he refuses, AJ Styles shows up to even the odds. Logan baffles the Miz with a flurry of various maneuvers including the figure-four leglock and even the Phenomenal Forearm. Maryse tries to stop Logan from hitting a move off the top rope while the Miz is laid out on the announcers’ table. Logan dives off, hitting a flying bodypress. The YouTuber turned WWE Superstar gets back into the ring and Paul hits a Skull-Crushing finale for the win.

Winner: Logan Paul

United States Championship Match. Bobby Lashley (Champion) vs. Theory:

Bobby Lashley vs Theory

Theory attacks the champion before the bell using the Money in the Bank briefcase to bludgeon him. The referee finally restores order and rings the bell as Theory gains the initial advantage but it’s clear he’s only angered the champion. Theory grabs his Money in the Bank briefcase and hits the bricks until Lashley confronts him and throws him into the security barrier. Lashley gets back in the ring but Theory dodges him and hits a dropkick. Cover for a two-count. Lashley goes for the Spear but Theory ducks and Lashley crashes into the turnbuckles. Theory sees his chance and goes for the A-Town but Lashley counters, pressing him over his head and applying the Hurt Lock. Theory taps.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

No Disqualification Match. The Mysterios (Rey and Dominik) vs. The Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Damien Priest) with Rhea Ripley:

Dominik and Rey take advantage of the no-disqualification stipulation and double-team Priest and Balor, showcasing their high-flying skills. The match settles down into a traditional tag match but the Mysterios don’t stop the fast double-team tactics. Quick tags as the babyfaces isolate Balor but Priest catches Dominik with a knee to the back while the young star bounces off the ring ropes near the heel corner. Tag to Priest and the heels begin wearing Dominik down. Plenty of aggressive tactics by The Judgment Day as Priest knocks Rey off the mat apron and the heels continue bludgeoning Dominik while taunting Papa Rey. Hope spot by Dominik as he catches an overconfident Finn with a neckbreaker. Hot tag to Rey as Finn tags in Priest. Seated senton onto Priest followed by a dropkick. Rey knocks Finn off the mat apron. Rey plants Priest into the mat. Balor tries running in with a chair but Rey grabs it and dispatches Balor before blasting Priest several times with the chair. Rey goes after Balor with the chair again but when Rey turns back to Priest, “The Archer of Infamy” superkicks him. Rey gets back into action though and goes for the 6-1-9 but Balor stops him. Balor goes for the Coup de Grace but Dominik stops him. Hurricarana by Rey and a cover for a near-fall. Priest goes after Rey but Dominik stops him. Dropkicks by the Mysterios sets the heels up for the 6-19. However, Rhea Ripley trips the babyfaces then yanks Dom out of the ring. The heels go for a chair with bad intentions but the lights darken as the arena fills with pyro and Edge runs to the ring. Priest charges Edge but gets knocked down. Balor charges Edge with a chair but gets speared. 6-1-9 on Balor as Balor counts the lights.

Winners: The Mysterios

Pat McAfee vs. Happy Corbin

McAfee starts off strong, catching Corbin with a superkick and a series of high-flying maneuvers. However, McAfee makes a rookie mistake and takes in the fans’ cheers, stepping into a Mafia Kick from Happy Corbin. Corbin seizes his opportunity and punishes McAfee. Deep Six on McAfee and a cover but McAfee kicks out at two. Happy is irate and yells at referee “Little Naitch” (aka Charles Robinson). McAfee and Corbin begin brawling at ringside and Corbin regains the advantage, pummeling Pat near the announce table. Corbin grabs the headset and begins trash-talking Pat’s family. Michael Cole admonishes Happy Corbin only for the heel to shove him down into his chair. Corbin goes to the top rope but McAfee hits a vertical leap and superplexes Corbin. Pat crawls to cover Happy but Corbin kicks out. Both men slowly get up and begin exchanging punches. Corbin pushes McAfee into the corner and charges him but there’s no one home! Corbin falls out of the ring as Little Naitch checks on McAfee. Pat gets up and climbs to the top rope. It looks like Pat is going to go ass over teacup. Swanton by McAfee onto Corbin outside the ring. Corbin goes for the End of Days but McAfee escapes. Corbin bumps into the referee who is dazed. McAfee capitalizes and delivers a 50-yard punt to Corbin’s family jewels. Sunset Flip off the second rope for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Pat McAfee

Drew McIntyre, the number one contender for the Undisputed Champion enters the arena and talks up tonight’s main event between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns.

Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match. Special Guest Referee Jeff Jarrett. The Usos (Champions) vs. The Street Profits:

Jeff Jarrett works to establish his authority early on as the Usos establish their dominance early on, isolating Angelo Dawkins with their trademark toughness and double-team tactics. The Usos go overboard with taunting Dawkins, giving him a hope spot. Dawkins somehow makes the hot tag and Montez Ford comes in like the proverbial house afire. Standing Blockbuster by Ford and a cover on Jey for a two-count. Jey surprises Montez with a neckbreaker but it’s not enough for a two-count. Tag to Jimmy as the Usos charge Ford while he’s on the ropes. However, Ford ducks and pulls the ropes down, sending both Usos out of the ring. Tag to Dawkins. Spinning neckbreaker on Jimmy for the near-fall. Things heat up as the Usos go into superkick mode, knocking Dawkins down. Uso Splash by Jimmy onto Dawkins and a cover but Dawkins kicks out. Things are looking bad for Dawkins as the Usos hit a double Uso Splash on Dawkins. Cover but Ford makes the last-minute save. Jey almost superkicks Double J but Jarrett catches his leg and spins him around. Ford goes to the top rope and hits a flying bodysplash but hurts his ribs, stopping him from making the cover. Ford is irate with Jarrett. The Usos use Ford’s anger to regain the momentum, taking him out at ringside and then hitting the 1-D on Dawkins for the win.

Winners: The Usos

Kid Rock is shown at ringside.

Riddle jumps into the ring and calls out Seth Rollins. He tells Rollins he knows he’s not medically cleared to wrestle “The Visionary” but he still wants him. He gets his wish and goes after Rollins as referees and officials try to break things up. Rollins catches Riddle with a punch, knocking him down and delivering a Curb Stomp.

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match. Liv Morgan (Champion) vs. Ronda Rousey:

Ronda isn’t wasting any time as she goes after Liv, flipping her to the mat and unleashing strikes on Morgan. Codebreaker by Morgan slows Rousey down but not for long. Rousey goes for the armbar but Morgan counters into a Rings of Saturn. Not enough leverage and Rousey goes for the Piper’s Pit. Morgan counters into a Crucifix Driver for a near fall. Takedown by Rousey as “Rowdy” Ronda goes for the armbar. She’s got it locked in and Morgan is in the center of the ring. Somehow, Morgan motions her way to the ropes,. Rousey applies the armbar again but Morgan rolls out, again reaching the ropes. The referee calls for medical attention to see if Morgan can continue as her left arm is in bad shape. Rousey goes for the arm bar again but Rousey’s shoulders are down. The referee counts to three as Morgan taps. Unfortunately for Rousey, the referee didn’t see Morgan tap a nanosecond before the three-count.

Winner: Liv Morgan

After the match, an irate Rousey locks Liv in an armbar. The referee goes to break things up only to get thrown to the mat. Rousey locks the armbar on the referee before WWE officials restore order.

“Last Man Standing” Match for the Undisputed Championship. Roman Reigns (Champion) with Paul Heyman vs. Brock Lesnar

Lesnar enters the ring then walks to a tractor and drives it to the ring. Roman doesn’t know what to make of things as Lesnar lifts the tractor arm up and climbs it.

Lesnar attacks Reigns before the bell, jumping off of the tractor onto Reigns. Lesnar sends the champ out of the ring. Suplex off the steel steps sends Reigns onto the ground. Brock goes for an F-5 off the security barrier but Reigns stops him and knocks him into some metal equipment at ringside. The two men continue brawling. Lesnar grabs a table but Paul Heyman distracts Heyman. Lesnar goes after Reigns but “The Tribal Chief” surprises him with a Samoan Drop through the table. Reigns sets up another table as Reigns chokeslams Lesnar through a table. Lesnar gets to his feet before the seven-count. Reigns lines up for a Superman Punch, knocking Lesnar down to one knee. Lesnar gets up as “The Head of the Table” hits a second Superman Punch. Lesnar gets up, only to get Speared. The referee begins the ten-count. Brock is on Rubber Legs Street. Reigns charges but Lesnar throws him out of the ring. Brock staggers out of the ring as the referee counts on Reign. Roman gets up at a seven count. Brock puts Reigns through a table as the referee counts again. Lesnar operates the tractor but doesn’t do anything with it. Lesnar blasts Reigns with the steel steps and part of the table. Reigns appears comatose but somehow beats the count by eight. Lesnar throws Roman into the scoop of the tractor and drops Roman into the ring. The referee starts the count but Roman gets up again. Brock returns to the ring. German Suplex to Reigns. It’s time for a trip to Suplex City! The referee begins the count but Reigns will not stay down. A third German Suplex. Reigns gets up at eight but Lesnar F-5s him. Lesnar goes for a second F-5 but Reigns counters into a Guillotine. Lesnar counters into a Guillotine of his own. Lesnar has had enough and operates the tractor again, This time he tips the ring over, knocking Reigns out of the ring. The referee counts but LReigns beats the count. The Usos go after Lesnar but he dispatches them. Heyman pleas with Lesnar to spare Reigns. Lesnar F-5s Heyman onto the table. Spear by Reigns but both he and Lesnar are down. Theory runs out and blasts Roman with the briefcase. Lesnar stops Theory from cashing in. A second spear knocks Lesnar down. Lesnar beats the count again. Reigns grabs the briefcase and bludgeons Lesnar with it. The referee counts but Lesnar gets up at ten. Reigns grabs a title belt and Lesnar gets up again. Reigns doesn’t know what to do. Another belt shot as the Usos and Reigns begin burying Reigns under tables and anything they can get their hands on. The referee finally makes the ten count.

Winner: Roman Reigns

Be sure to visit our YouTube channel as we provide exclusive analysis of the 2022 SummerSlam premium event and look at the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

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