2022 Extreme Rules

2022 Extreme Rules Real-time Recap


WWE Premium Live Event Features Slew of Stipulation Matches

Welcome to WrestleLamia’s 2022 Extreme Rules real-time recap. Tonight’s premium live event is coming to you from Philadelphia’s Well Fargo Arena.

2022 Extreme Rules Real-time Recap

Good Old-Fashioned Donnybrook Match. The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch, and Ridge Holland) vs Imperium (Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci):

Imperium take out the Brawling Brutes, triple-teaming Sheamus then keeping every member of the Brutes at bay. Things look bleak for the Brawling Brutes as it’s just Butch against Imperium. Even Butch can’t stand up against all three members of Imperium. Somehow, Sheamus gets his second wind, taking out Kaiser and Vinci. “The Celtic Warrior” turns his attention to Gunther, taking his frustrations out on the man who robbed him of the Intercontinental Championship on SmackDown’s season premiere. The crowd is behind Sheamus big-time. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick and covers Gunther but Vinci dives off the top rope, breaking up the pin. It’s all out melee as all six brawlers do battle. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse and locks in the Cloverleaf on Gunther. Kaiser Ludwig saves Gunther, blasting Sheamus in the back with a shillelagh. All six men are done and slow to get up. More fisticuffs (and everything else in between). Sheamus delivers a kneelift to Gunther but Imperium breaks up the pin again. Things spill outside as the fans chant “We want tables!” It’s all over for Shemus though when Gunther clobbers him in the skull with a shilelagh. Cover but somehow Sheamus kicks out. Holland and Butch beat down Kaiser and Vinci with the shillelaghs. Outside the ring, Sheamus hits the Celtic Cross on Gunther, putting him through a table. Holland and Butch hold Vinci, allowing Sheamus to deliver the Brogue Kick. Sheamus covers Vinci for the 1-2-3.

Winners: The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch).

The Miz is backstage with Philadelphia Flyers’ mascot “Gritty.” The Miz seems to suspect Gritty is Dexter Lumis in disguise but so far, things are fine.

Extreme Rules Match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship. Liv Morgan (Champion) vs “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey:

2022 Extreme Rules

Ronda enters the ring wearing a pink gi in honor of her mentor “Judo” Gene LeBell. Liv Morgan enters the ring with a baseball bat, a wise move for anyone opposing “Rowdy” Ronda. Ronda womanhandles Liv so Morgan goes for the bat. Morgan’s bat skills prove pathetic as Rousey disarms her. Rousey throws the bat out. Morgan manages to knock Rousey out of the ring and goes for a baseball slide. Unfortunately, the every cagey Ronda traps her in the ring apron. Rousey grabs the bat only to walk into a fire extinguisher spray from Morgan. Morgan goes for a Russian Leg Sweep putting the bat across Rousey’s throat but Rousey counters it into a Piper’s Pit. Rousey takes the bat and slugs away. Rousey gets Morgan in the ring and swings the bat but Liv ducks and hits a step-up enziguri. Things spill out of the ring again with Rousey tieing Morgan to the ring post with her black belt. Rousey strikes Liv in the hip and leg with the bat but somehow, the champion finds the wherewithal to slam Rousey into the post. Morgan grabs a table and sets it up inside the ring. However, Rousey recovers and rams Morgan’s head into the table several times. Step-up knee dazes Morgan as Rousey chokes Morgan in the ropes, looking for the submission. The Extreme Rules stipulation means no rope breaks. Morgan sends Rousey out of the ring again and clobbers her with a chair. Back in the ring, Morgan sets a chair in the corner but it falls off. Nonetheless, Morgan hurls Rousey into the corner. Morgan grabs the chair and goes to town on Rousey’s back. Morgan throws the chair at Ronda and hits the Code Red. Cover but Rousey kicks out.Morgan sets Rousey on the table. The SmackDown Women’s Champion goes to the high-rent district, delivering a senton to Rousey, sending Ronda through the table. Cover but Rousey kicks out at two and surprises Morgan by locking her in the armbar. Morgan drives Ronda into the table, but Rousey keeps the hold locked in. Rousey adjusts it into a choke, KO-ing Morgan.

Winner: Ronda Rousey (New SmackDown Women’s Champion)

Rousey talks trash as Morgan wakes up then walks over Morgan.

Strap Match. Drew McIntyre vs Karrion Kross (with Scarlett):

Note: This isn’t the traditional strap match where you have to drag your opponent and tap them into each corner. Instead, both wrestlers are strapped to each other and can only win by pinfall or submission.

Karrion Kross is in no hurry to get the strap attached to his wrist. Instead, Scarlett grabs the strap, distracting Drew. Karrion attacks Drew McIntyre, throwing him out of the ring. The two titans take it out to the arena, exchanging blows. Kross throws Drew over the security rail. Kross goes to suplex Drew into the steel steps but Drew counters. Drew rams Karrion’s head into the announce table. Drew bounces Kross’s head into a ring post. Drew grabs Kross while he’s on top of the steel steps and drives Kross’ back onto the mat apron. With Kross dazed, McIntyre is finally able to secure the strap around Kross’ wrist. Drew whips Karrion with the strap. Finally, Scarlett can’t take it and she steps in Drew’s path. This allows Kross time to recover and he capitalizes, using the strap to pull Drew shoulder-first into the ring post. Kross repeats this as Scarlett eggs him on. The referee asks Drew if he wants medical attention and Drew refuses. Kross continues targeting Drew’s shoulder, much as he did when Kross threw Drew shoulder-first into the post on the season premiere of SmackDown. Kross takes Drew outside, driving McIntyre into the announce table. Kross ties McIntyre around a ring post and begins whipping him with the strap. “The Scottish Warrior” is taking a serious shellacking, so much that the fans have gone silent. Saito suplex to Drew and a cover by Kross for a two-count. Karrion whips Drew again as McIntyre finally seems to have enough and clotheslines Kross. Belly-to-belly throw sends Kross down. Neckbreaker to Kross as Drew has his second wind. Spinebuster by Drew and a cover on Kross for a two-count. Somehow, both men are still on their feet and they’re exchanging punches! The two begin exchanging shots with the leather strap. Drew wins this exchange and hits the Future Shock DDT. Drew signals it’s time for the Claymore. 3,2,1…Scarlett stands in Drew’s way. Scarlett unloads with a can of pepper spray. Kross Hammer by Karrion knocks a blinded Drew down and McIntyre can’t kick out.

Winner: Karrion Kross

The referee applies water to McIntyre’s face as Karrion and Scarlett exit the ring in triumph. Kross taunts McIntyre telling him he asked for the match.

Ladder Match for the RAW Women’s Championship. Bianca Belair vs Bayley:

Bayley enters the match without Iyo Sky or Dakota Kai by her side. The two women begin brawling and Bianca keeps Bayley on the defensive, using her agility and speed to quickly climb the ladder. Bayley manages to keep Belair from reaching the top, but she can’t get any suistained offense in. Belair slams Bayley onto the ladder. Bianca grabs the ladder but Bayley grabs it and drives it into Belair. The fans are cheering both women as the match continues. Bayley lands a Sunset Flip on Belair, driving her into a ladder. Bayley sets up another ladder. Bayley ascends the ladder, but Belair follows her up, unloading forearms onto Bayley’s back and stopping her ascent. Bayley goes back after Belair, driving a ladder into the champion’s gut. The leader of Damage-CTRL drives the ladder into “The -EST” so hard that Belair is knocked out of the ring. Bayley follows Bianca out and sets a ladder up, positioning Belair on it. Bayley runs on the mat apron and hits a flying elbow onto Belair but the challenger looks like she’s hurt herself as well. Bayley grabs a ladder but Belair avoids being sandwiched in between. Belair knocks Bayley down and positions the ladder in the ring while Bayley is still outside the ring. Belair climbs the ladder but Bayley gets in, pulling Bianca off. Bayley climbs the ladder but Bianca grabs her and hits a spinebuster. Belair climbs the ladder but Bayley is abl to kick it over. Bayley pulls out what looks like a metal piece from her knee brace but Belair avoids Bayley’s attack and hits the Kiss of Death. Bayley is down and Belair has an easy climb to the top. Unfortunately, Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai run in and stop her from making it to the top. As the announcers note, Damage-CTRL took Belair’s friends Asuka and Alexa Blis out on RAW so Belair has no backup. Belair fights back, delivering a K.O.D. to both Sky and Kai at the same time! Bayley has had enough time to rally though and she throws a ladder into Belair, knocking her down. Bayley sets a ladder in the corner and drives Belair into it. Roseplant by Bayley. Bayley grabs the ladder and goes to trap Belair underneath it. Bayley begins climbing the ladder as Belair seems trapped. Belair isn’t trapped and uses her tremendous upper body strength to lift the ladder, knocking Bayley off it. Both women climb the ladder and race to the top. Bayley grabs Belair’s braid and pulls Bianca into the ladder, knocking her off. However, Belair is far from finished and pulls Bayley off the ladder. Belkair hits a KOD while Bayley holds a ladder. Bad move as Belair hits a second KOD, driving Bayley into the ladder. Belair climbs the ladder and retrieves the title.

Winner: Bianca Belair

“I Quit” Match. Edge vs Finn Balor:

Finn Balor is wearing a Pinhead mask! Finn comes to the riung without anyone from Judgment Day but as we saw with the Ladder Match, you can never rule out interference when a member of a heel faction wrestles. This is the first time Edge and Balor have squared off and neither man is holding back or showing any respect or fear. Edge begins wearing Balor down, whipping Finn into the turnbuckle. A second Irish whip into the turnbuckle but Balor surprises Edge, dropkicking him in the knees. Balor targets the knee, a wise move as The Judgment Day have targeted it before. Balor applies a kneelock as the referee checks to see if Edge is ready to quit. Figure four leglock by Finn and he’s got Edge locked in the center of the ring. The referee holds the microphone near Edge only for him to shout “Get that out of my face!” Edge finds the strength and leverage to reverse the hold, applying pressure to Finn. This doesn’t last long as Balor reverses the hold. Edge punches Balor repeatedly until Finn releases the hold. Balor traps Edge in the mat apron skirt and beats down Edge. Balor rams Edge’s head repeatedly into the table but Edge refuses to quit. Edge goes to whip Balor into the steps but Balor reverses, landing the Sling Blade. Balor goes after Edge only for “The Rated-R Superstar” (or whatever he’s calling himself this week) to pick him up and drive him through the security barrier. Edge is back in business as he slugs away at Finn and their fight spills out into the crowd. Edge suplexes Balor on the floor but Finn won’t quit. Edge grabs a hockey stick and attaclks Finn with it. Edge applies the Crossface to Balor, using the hockey stick as he has Finn on the pre-show panel’s table. Somehow, Finn slips out. Edge and Balor begin fighting up the stairs in section 111/110. Finn throws Edge headfirst into the wall but Edge refuses to quit. Balor charges Edge only for Edge to lift him up headfirst into the concrete overhang. Neither Superstar is done as Finn attacks Edge on the steps, using the metal handrail to choke Edge. Balor grabs a chair, driving it into Edge’s breadbasket. Balor takes Edge back to ringside. Balor grabs another chair, driving it into Edge’s ribs. Is this it? Balor has the chair and drives it into Edge’s back. Edge rolls over onto his back only to catch chairshot after chairshot to his gut. The referee asks Edge if he’s ready to quit and Edge says “Screw you Finn” Balor blasts Edge several more times with the chair only for Edge to say “I…don’t…quit!” Balor sets a chair in a corner. Balor goes to whip Edge into the corner with the chair but Edge stops him. Not much gas left though and Balor hits a Russian Leg Sweep on Edge. Crossface on Edge by Balor but Edge won’t quit. Edge is down but he refuses to say “I quit.” Balor grabs Edge and whips him into the chair but Edge reverses and Balor goes face-first into the unforgivng chair. Edge grabs the chair, targeting Balor’s hip and leg. Edge drives the chair into Balor’s ankle. Edge goes for the Edgeucator. The referee asks Balor if he’s ready to quit but Finn’s Judgment Day partner Damien Priest breaks up the submission. Priest goes after Edge as The Judgment Day’s Dominik Mysterio runs in. Spear by Edge take all three men out. Edge has Balor set up for the Spear when Rhea Ripley surprises Edge, handcuffing him to the top rope. The Judgment Day take control, with Finn, Damien,m and Dominik beating Edge senseless. Balor grabs a kendo stick and cracks it repeatedly across Edge’s back. Rey Mysterio runs in for the save but Dominik stops him taking Papa Rey out. Beth Phoneix runs in for the save, grabbing a kendo stick. Rhea Ripley confronts Beth but “The Glamazon” spears Rhea, getting the key from Ripley. Phoenix frees Edge. Edge spears Priest. Edge confronts Dominik Mysterio. Dominik tries to talk his way out of an ass whupping, extending his hand to Edge. Edge grabs Dom’s hand and knees him in the groin. Edge turns around and walks into a Sling Blade from Balor. Balor closes in for the win but Edge spears him! A second Spear! A third Spear! Edge tells Phoenix to get a chair. Edge breaks the bottom bar off the chair and applies the Crossface! Rhea surprises Ripley with Brass Knuckles, knocking her out. South of Heaven by Priest. The Judgment Day hold Edge down as Finn hits three Coup de Graces. Balor demands Edge give up but he tells him go to hell! The Judgment Day restrain Ripley as Rhea sets an unconscious Beth Phoenix up for the Con-Chair-To. Balor demands Edge quit. Ripley lifts the chair up as Edge says “I Quit.” Rhea blasts Phoenix.

Winner: Finn Balor

Backstage. the Miz has had enough of Gritty and he attacks him, thinking it’s Dexter Lumis. It’s not and Lumis is standing behind the Miz. Dexter takes Miz out as Gritty kicks Miz in the gut.

Fight Pit Match. Riddle vs Seth Rollins. Special Guest Referee Daniel Cormier:

Rules: The only way to win the match is by submission or knockout. There is no door in the Fight Pit nor any ring ropes.

Riddle takes control early, clearly using his experience in the Octogan to gain control. Riddle slugs away at Rollins as the referee tries to break things up. Riddle makes the mistake of striking referee Daniel Cormier who shoves him and tells Riddle he’s there to fight Rollins, not the official. Rollins takes advantage, blindsiding Riddle. However, Riddle rebounds and goes for the Triangle but Rollins escapes with a thumb to the eye.Cormier checks on Riddle. Seth gets in Cormier’s face and D.C. warns Rollins. Rollins goes after Riddle rubbing his face into the cage. Rollins plants Riddle into the mat as Rollins demands the referee make a count. Riddle answers the count only to walk into not one but two superkicks. Riddle answers the count as Rollins trash talks Riddle, calling him a loser. Rollins suplexes Riddle into the cage. Rollins hits a Frog Splash from off a platform surrounding the Fight Pit. Riddle answers the count again. Rollins goes for the Peruvian Neck Tie but can’t get the submission and Riddle easily escapes. RKO Outta Nowhere! Both men are down as Cormier counts them out. The two get to their feet and begin exchanging blows. Riddle goes for a second RKO but Rollins blocks it, throwing Riddle to the mat and hitting a Curb Stomp. Cormier checks on Riddle, a move which puzzles the announcers as to why D.C. doesn’t start the count. D.C. finally starts the count but Riddle answers it. Riddle climbs to the platform surrounding the Fight Pit and Riddle follows. Riddle is hanging precariously on a chain as Rollins tries to knock him off. Riddle goes for a Rear Naked Choke on Rollins using the chain but Rollins escapes. “The Visionary” drives “The Ultimate Bro’s” head into the cage. Both men are on the platform. Seth delivers a Buckle Bomb to the corner of the Pit. Both men are perched up high and they can only win down in the Pit. Cormier pleads with Rollins and Riddle to come down but neither man is listening. Rollins goes to knock Riddle off again but Riddle stops him. Rollins hits a Pedigree and demands Cormier count Riddle out. D.C. tells Rollins he has to take him to into the pit. Rollins threatens to choke D.C. out if he doesn’t make the count. Rollins goes for another Curb Stomp but Matt counters, hitting an RKO. Rollins falls off the platform but breaks his fall. Nevertheless, he’s still down. Riddle delivers a Floating Bro from the platform encircling the Pit. Both men are down. Cormier make the count but somehow Riddle and Seth get back up. Riddle applies the Triangle but Riddle won’t relent. Rollins drives Matt into the cage but Riddle keeps the hold on. Rollins taps!

Winner: Riddle (by submission)

As the show goes off, the lights go off and “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” plays. The song continues as the camera shoots to different parts of the arena, showing various characters from the Firefly Funhouse—only this time they’re life-size. A dimmed FIrely Funhouse is shown with the puppets laying in ruins. A TV screen shows an enigmatic character asking “Who Killed the World”. A door opens with light shining but then the lights go out. A lantern shines as a masked man appears. It’s Bray Wyatt! Wyatt blows out the lantern as Extreme Rules ends.

Be sure to check our YouTube channel as WrestleLamia recaps the show and provides our exclusive analysis of the show, looking at the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

What are your thoughts on the 2022 Extreme Rules show? Let us know in the comments below.

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